Thursday, August 22, 2019

Phylosofi Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Phylosofi - Essay Example There is a complex relation between the both. We live in a materialistic world but still possess a spiritual self. Despair in human beings are of two forms, willing to be one it is not or doesn’t wish to be one it is. Kierkegaard states that human beings who are immensely involved with the spiritual beliefs are the most affected with despair, hence they themselves are held responsible for pain and sufferings attained due to despair, as it is something faced internally by individuals. Despair brings about frustration and pain making it tough to be overcome. Providing a simple example of a girl who lost her lover Kierkegaard states that she has to overcome with the loss and lead her life on her own similarly Christians need to understand that physical death is un-avoidable and rather overcome their despair with Kierkegaard relates the Christianity and despair to state, that despair is universal in nature. People say that they are not in despair but they are unaware of being in despair except for a true Christian. Any personal illness can be cured by prescribing certain medication but despair can only be overcome by mere belief in â€Å"God†, the only way to reduce the psychological problems and gain eternity. Human self is composed of various components like finite and infiniteness, possibility/necessity, consciousness/lack of consciousness relating itself to itself. The willingness to become itself and overcome despair can only be possible by becoming concrete that is by establishing a relation between these elements. Kierkegaard explains the forms that strike the imbalance of self components: Despair based on the elements of Finitude/ Infinitude and Possibility/ Necessity: Despair due to infinitude, which is when an individual focuses on fantasies and forgetting his own self. Despair due to finitude, which is to just exist as any other person in the society. Life may

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