Friday, August 9, 2019

Employment plan coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Employment plan - Coursework Example I have always dreamt of working at a construction company like Terna. Terna is known for its projects, its highly qualified personnel and the work opportunities that it gives to young engineers. I hope that the demonstration of my skills and experience are suitable for the junior civil engineer position. Task 2: My SWOT Analysis for my Continuing Professional Development (CPD) In no more than 400 words critically appraise your current position using the SWOT analysis framework. Strengths a) My University degree is in Civil Engineering and I was among top five performers. b) I have relevant experience - I spent three months at a construction site in Saudi Arabia. c) I have good knowledge of project management. d) I am able to demonstrate team working and time management skills. I was managing a small team of workers at the construction site in Saudi Arabia. Weaknesses a) Although I have basic knowledge of AutoCAD, I am still not considered an experienced user. I currently attend seminars for improving my knowledge in AutoCAD. b) I do not speak Arabic. Speaking Arabic can be advantage since a civil engineer has to communicate in Arabic with the workers. I would consider learning Arabic prior to obtaining the position. Opportunities a) There is a shortage at a national level for engineers wanting to live and work in Saudi Arabia. Experienced engineers do not want to leave their families and migrate and young engineers do not possess relevant experience. b) Our country is famous for the large construction projects that its construction companies take over all around the world. In addition, University programs prepare top quality engineers. c) There are also many... I am aware that Terna looks for candidates that have a basic experience at this kind of projects and gives a particular emphasis on team working skills, time and project management. During my university years I attended a module called Project Management which enabled me to study the requirements of a construction project. In addition, I attended two free choice modules concerning team working and time management and two seminars dealing with these issues. The project in Middle East gave me the opportunity to practice these skills since I was part of a large construction team and as one of the chief engineer assistants I was responsible for a small number of workers. I have always dreamt of working at a construction company like Terna. Terna is known for its projects, its highly qualified personnel and the work opportunities that it gives to young engineers. I hope that the demonstration of my skills and experience are suitable for the junior civil engineer position. a) There is a shortage at a national level for engineers wanting to live and work in Saudi Arabia. Experienced engineers do not want to leave their families and migrate and young engineers do not possess relevant experience. a) Global economic crisis has a negative effect on construction projects esp

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