Thursday, June 20, 2019

Control Room Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Control Room - Movie Review ExampleHowever, this movie, Control Rooms, reveal a different side to the facts, the fritter away reveals the extent to which the staff and reportage crew of the Media network had gone to convey the truth behind the sugar-coated waged fight against the innocent civilians of Iraq (Samuel-Azran 73-89). Thus, in my opinion, in malevolency of its sketchiness, the movie de croakrs the message of its theme explicitly and indirectly, that touches the very cords of the hearts of sensitive humans. 2. To what extent the documentary might change your perception on the war in Iraq? I agree to Ty Burr (2004) when he says, Control Room is like an open window that sucks the smog out of the room. Clear-sighted and fair-minded, sympathetic to everyone eject Saddam Hussein and the topmost level of the US government, this modest yet necessary documentary digs into the tussle between bias and balance in modern journalism and sends you out debating where one sides reporti ng becomes the other sides distortion. This movie has changed my perception of war in Iraq to a greater extent. Earlier I had taken this military act to be against a brutal and killing enemy who had a monster like image in my imagination. Never had I considered the mountain dying there to be humans. I had always regarded their execution as a winning mission accomplished. ... If US had to wage a war against Saddam Hussain, it must have had find another way. To kill millions of people in the name of execution of their tyrannical ruler is to add inflict on injury. These people were already suffering and the military invasion had destroyed whatever they had managed to save so far. Truly, I am impressed and affected by the reporting of Al-Jazeera now as the station has revealed (and continues to show the world) everything about the Iraq War that the Bush administration did not want it to see (Varma, 2004) 3. Critically identify the strengths and weaknesses of the pic. The video, Contr ol Room, is no doubt a marvelous and daring act done by Noujaim. The movie reveals hidden truths and passion for reality that is shared by all the journalists with life sentence conscience. She has focused the role of the Qatar based media network, Al-Jazeera, which had covered the gruesome details of the happenings in Iraq. This particular network had sent its correspondents in Baghdad and other areas where they had covered the live details of the bombarding and shelling on the innocent civilians for which US government had blamed it to be a pawn in the hands of propagandist lobby of Arabs. However, the video exclusively reveals the false facets of the media world and this particular aspect makes this movie strong and effective. Moreover, Noujaim has just offered details of what happens behind the camera in a news way of life network. All the interviews are taken in a bias free and impartial manner and the conclusion is left to the watcher. She has not tried to force her confess ideas on the people she has just captured with her camera what she found. In the spirit of welcoming all information, she refuses to draw conclusions--these are left to the

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