Sunday, June 9, 2019

Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Communication - Essay ExampleAtufunwa (2009) explains that growth of a attach to must be followed by writ of execution of more elaborate and hard-hitting communication systems. This is due to the fact that growth leads to more information needs and thus collaboration of company units must be practiced through effective communication so that subsystems sess be allowed to work towards a common goal and mission. DeSanctis and Jackson (1994, p. 85) point out that effective communication is a business strategy which helps organizations to be more competitive in the market. This is illustrated by the hiring of specialist managers by the executives of HS Engineering to coordinate the operations of the company. This was motivated by the need to ensure that the relocation of the company activities does not impact negatively on their coordination through communication. The company needs to beat its competitors from the Far vitamin E and as a result, plans for collaboration and coordinati on have been prioritized. Harrison (2005) emphasizes that proper communication within an internationalized company is specifically significant for the management of the company because of the complexity in company control which emanate from expansion. Moreover, it is through proper communication that executives are able to monitor and evaluate the activities of its branches of subsidiaries to ensure that they operate according to the policies and culture of the company. According to Sanchez and McCann (2005, p. 11), bureaucracy is one of the greatest barriers of effective communication within a company. Bureaucracy in HS Engineering is demonstrated by the hierarchical organization structure which is characterized by a slowed decision making process especially for the factory operations in Leeds. Harrison (2005) adds that the problem with bureaucracy is that there is limited communication between the subordinates and the happen management because decisions have to be approved in st ages. This process causes an ineffective and inefficient communication process within a company or organization. In the HS Engineering case, the large number of middle level managers reveals a slowed communication process. A slowed communication process within a company demonstrates that feedback takes a huge process and time to be attained and thus execution of operations is slowed significantly. Such a situation would in return lead to reduced productiveness in production. To overcome problems which emanate from poor communication, employees must be motivated. Michalski (2000, p. 85) reveals that employee motivation is achieved by involving them in company decisions. It is through transformational accession to leadership and management that employees can be involved in decision making McGoon (1996, p. 30). The closure of Wolverhampton and Oldham factories by HS Engineering without involving the employees illustrates how executive decisions would kill the morale of employees. Tra nsformational approach to leadership enables executives to open a two way communication with employees and thus encourage collaboration between the management and subordinates especially in sharing creative ideas (Berzok, 1993). Moreover, a democratic approach in management allows employees to be more communicative about their needs and thus allow the management to include the desires of their subordinates in decision making. This will eventually lead

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