Friday, May 3, 2019

Marketing Strategies Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Marketing Strategies - query Paper ExampleWhen the companies take the decision for expanding and diversifying their businesses across the national boundaries, it is important for them to take into consideration mingled factors that atomic number 18 important for the successful operation of the company on the international scale (Keegan and Green 2008). The focal point is to formulate a strategy regarding the international operations of Algerian wine in the UK market.Algerian wine is a wine that is made from a country of North Africa in Algeria and is among the renowned name in the history of wine. Algeria is known to be one of the oldest producers of wine in the world. For the Romans, Algeria is considered to be the breadbasket and vineyard throughout the history of viticulture starting from the Roman Empire. Algerian wines have been seen to prosper the world with constant successfulness because of the fact that they have their own unique characteristics. Algerian wines are prod uced in five major regions that let in The MEDEA region, The ZACCCAR region, The DAHRA region, The MASCARA region, and The TLEMCEN region.The aim of the company is to export the Algerian Wine called Coteaux De Mascara from Algeria into the market of UK. Coteaux De Mascara is termed to be the red wine from the telamon Mountains. This wine belongs to The MASCARA region. This region has been well renowned in terms of producing wines with distinguished features. The wines produced in this region are considered to be robust and well structured. They are of good colour, and consist of high level of alcohol up-to 14 percent. All the wines of Algeria are distinguished with taste of deep berry flavours and the fragrance of roses and raspberries.For the purpose of data collection, dissimilar scholarly journals and articles will be selected, which will help in retrieving adequate information in tattle to the international marketing. Secondary data will be helpful in collection of adequate a nd true(p) information.

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