Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Design of Desire Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Design of Desire - Research Paper ExampleMost of the people take a little step further than required in purchasing things which they hardly need or require. They basically buy material they do not have use of, but is just a kickshaw for their eyes and mind. The most of the buying or shopping is based on emotional and feelings of a person, preferably than on requirement and need. This kind of consuming look is not only a financial liberation but also can turn out be an uncontrollable habit which they can necessitate addicted to.In todays consumer- driven society ,satisfying consumer needs has less to with the practical impact of physical needs and everything to do with gratifying desire based upon emotions(Danziger 11).This kind of frivolous buying behavior is seen among people who atomic number 18 spontaneous and impulsive and they give more importance to their emotional satisfaction or else than real needs. But this is not the case with all, there arethe value of the money, and happen it on things which are more essential to them. However, for the spend thrift behavior of the people can be very well(p) blamed upon the marting strategy of the manufactures, international companies and designer brand producers. The advertising agenda of these product lines is to stop the mind of the vendee and trap them in buying the product no matter what the situation is.The market in every mood advertise products taking in to consideration people who are spend thrifts and extravagant .They promote their product to lure them and motivate them to buy the product as if they are needful commodity for their household use. Since there is a huge competition in the market the companies indulge in various techniques and tactics to attract the buyers and sell out their products. The buying process in influenced by buyers mood and psychological factor, social surrounding, time, situational factors, social class culture and so forth(Steiner 59-62). flock are more drawn to b uy luxury brand also in a way to remain in

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