Friday, May 31, 2019

Classification Essay - PTA Personalities -- Classification Essays

PTA Personalities   Many public institutions rely on the generosity and help of volunteers in order to lay out smoothly. One of the much important institutions is the educate, and sensation of the most visible volunteers in the school is the PTA volunteer. These volunteers fulfill a necessary role, especially for the elementary schools, by augmenting the work of the principal and teachers with extras that the school ordinarily would not have. The people who do the volunteer work are varied, but the PTA seems to act as a magnet for three types of personalities the power seeker, the glowing beaver, and the dependable worker.   Dominating Dora, the power seeker, usually starts off as a committee chairman and almost always ends up as the PTA president. She feels she must run the PTA her way because only she knows the best way to do it. She calls board meetings often and is incensed and hurt if someone misses the meeting. All jobs must be done her way, and she of ten organizes half of the job before it is delegated. She then checks up to see if it is being done precisely as she organized it. On the other hand, she may not delegate anything at all, preferring to do most of the work herself. Not delegating the work ensures that it will be done properly, namely her way. Dominating Dora usually follows an unacknowledged personal agenda to gain status, prestige, influence, and authority she often has no idea that she is following a personal agenda. The school personnel are wary of her since she is precise bossy in her dealings with everyone. She even goes so far as to tell the principal and teachers how to go about their own jobs. Dominating Dora also promotes programs within the PTA that the principal often ... ...ant to what she is doing. The dependable worker like Normal Nancy does not burn out because she paces herself, works steadily, and fills in the gaps where needed. Doras and Ritas may come and go, but Nancys prolong goi ng and going and going.   The interesting thing about the power seeker, the eager beaver, and the dependable worker is that they are all necessary to run the PTA organization. Their quirks are what collapse them important in getting the activities planned, the prizes made, the playground equipment ordered, and the book fair organized. Another noteworthy fact is that, when necessary, any PTA volunteer can become any one of these three types of people. The fact that a power seeker, an eager beaver, and a dependable worker can fit together like a puzzle to embodiment a bigger picture is the miracle of the PTA volunteer organization.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

An Analysis of the Epic Poem, Beowulf - Anglo-Saxon Customs and Values

Anglo-Saxon Customs and Values Reflected in Beowulf Readers today onslaught the Anglo-Saxon poem Beowulf with cultural preconceptions very different from those expressed by the author of this poem. This essay hopes to enlighten the modern reader regarding the customs and values from the date of the poems composition. Beowulf makes reference to Ingeld and his wife and the coming Heathobard feud in that hot passion his love for peace-weaver, his wife, will cool (2065-66) This is a rare passage, for Anglo-Saxon poetry rarely mentions romantic feelings between spouses. In fact, ones marital status was even considered insignificant. For example, with the hero himself the poet neer mentions whether he is married or not. On the other hand, feelings between men are presented frequently and with surprising intensity. Consider Beowulfs farewell from Hrothgar and Heorot Then the good king, of a noble race, broad Scylding prince, held that best thane round the neck and ki ssed him his tears ran down, streaked his great beard. Wise in his age, he expected two things, but one the more strongly, that never again would they look on each other as in this brave meeting. That man was so dear that he could not withhold those cryptic tears fixed in his heart by the bonds of thought, a deep-felt longing for the beloved man burned in his... ...ld English days. From the above its diaphanous that abundant evidence amply demonstrates that Beowulf truly reflects an Anglo-Saxon culture which is so much different from anything modern readers are used to. BIBLIOGRAPHY Chickering, Howell D.. Beowulf A dual-Language Edition. New York sand Books, 1977. Cramp, Rosemary. Beowulf and Archaeology. In TheBeowulf Poet, edited byDonald K. fry. Englewood Cliffs, NJ Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1968. Robinson, Fred C.. Differences Between Modern and Anglo-Saxon Values. In Readings on Beowulf, edited by Stephen P. Thompson. San Diego Greenhaven Press,1998. C ollins, Roger and McClure, Judith, editors. Bede The Ecclesiastical History of the English battalion The Greater Chronicle Bedes Letter to Egbert. New York Oxford University Press, 1969.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

An Analysis of The Dominate Perspectives of International Political Eco

In the world of international political economy, three dominant perspectives have emerged over time. The differences and similarities between the realist/mercantilist, liberalism, and historic structuralism perspectives are significant. In this essay, I will compare and contrast these dominant perspectives. First, I will give a historical account of how severally perspective originated. Then I will outline the actors involved in each perspective, explore those actors interests, and outline which of those actors set economic and political policy. Lastly, I will explore how those political and economic actors relate to each other. HistoryAmong the three dominant perspectives, realist/mercantilist is the oldest and some would argue the most most-valuable and all-encompassing theory . It was developed in Europe during the 15th to 18th centuries and was based on the premise that what best-supported national power and wealth was increasing exports and collecting rare metals, such as bullion . The raises would then establish colonies, a merchant marine, and develop industry and mining to attain a favorable balance of swap . In dictate for the states to be able to fund their expansion, pay for their increasingly large armies and cover the growing costs of their government they needed to accumulate wealth. The state became more involved in the economy favoring export-oriented policies because in order to accumulate the much-needed wealth, the state needed to sell more than it bought, or export more than it import . Governments started to impose import duties to protect local businesses and provide a source of revenue. Production was also increasingly regulated by the state and economic treaties were afflicted between states. The problem was what good was all the accumulated wealth if they cannot protect themselves from invaders? The states quickly learned that wealth and security were intrinsically related and that in order to have and keep unitary you must h ave the other . Security, and the accumulation of wealth to pay for the costs of the security, is therefore now considered to be the most important aspects of realism/mercantilism and states now use the economy as a way to generate more wealth and more power . Liberalism was a reply against the policies of realism/mercantilism. The French philosophers The Physiocrats condemned the in... ...he corporate sector guides the economic policies of the state and the state in turn regulates the corporate sector with favorable intervention. In summary, after examining the origins of each perspective, and exploring the main actors, which set policy and how they relate, it has become clear that while each theory has been put into practice and have all failed and succeeded to some extent, no one theory can accurately sum up the incredibly complex world of international political economy. Prepared By Tim DelroyBibliographyBalaam, David and Veseth, Michael Introduction to International policy-m aking Economy(New Jersey Prentice Hall, 2001)Ekelund, Robert B. and Tollison, Robert D. Politicized Economies (College Station Texas A&M University Press, 1997)Goldstein, Joshua S. International Relations(New York Longman, 2001)Jones, Barry editor The Worlds of Political Economy (London Pinter Publishers Ltd, 1988)Magnussen, Lars Mercantilism the Shaping of an Economic style(New York Routledge, 1994)Stubbs, Richard and Underhill, Geoffrey R.D. editors Political Economy and the Changing Global Order (Don Mills Oxford University Press, 2000)

Daisy Miller: An Annotated Bibliography Essay -- Annotated Bibliograph

Baylard, Dana Reece. Daisy Miller. Masterplots, fourthly Edition (2010) 1-3. Literary Reference Center. Web. 23 Feb. 2014. This article analyzes the traditional social expectations utilize in an ancient European setting that conflicted with the more unorthodox ways of Americans who were traveling in Europe. Baylard depicts Daisy Millers behavior in the novella as innocent, yet ignorant to the customs of sophisticated Europe. Baylard describes Daisy Millers repeated misjudgment from Genevas society and reflects on the positive attri exceptes to her personality that unfortunately argon consumed by her conformity during her untimely death by the end of the novella. The author, Baylard, discusses how Daisys behavior is innocently rash and that her behavior is unintentionally trying to be lewd, but being in an unfamiliar setting to that of modern America has left her unaware of how to act properly. This is what leads to her misjudgment, which is clearly represented in Baylards descripti ons of how various characters acted in the story. Such as Eugino, who would act shocked and look at the Millers in a disapproving manner, or that of Mrs. Costello, who Baylard points out as an example of how women were supposed to act. Women of this particularised time period, as Baylard says, were defined as delicately feeble as Mrs. Costello is similarly with her constant headaches, but Daisys untraditionally improper ways are a breath of fresh air to the typical norms.Brown, Melanie. Freedom in Daisy Miller. Blooms Literature. Facts On File, Inc. Web. 3 Mar. 2014. The writing discusses the theme of Daisy Miller A Study being closely freedom. Brown bring up the fact that Daisy and the Millers grew up in America where having a sense of in... ...ce and gives an effective analysis on her point of view. Works CitedBaylard, Dana Reece. Daisy Miller. Masterplots, Fourth Edition (2010) 1-3. Literary Reference Center. Web. 23 Feb. 2014. Brown, Melanie. Freedom in Daisy Miller. Blooms L iterature. Facts On File, Inc. Web. 3 Mar. 2014. Bruccoli, Matthew J., and Judith S. Baugman. Daisy Miller. Blooms Literature. Facts On File, Inc. Web. 2 Mar. 2014. Coffin, Tristram P. Daisy Miller, Western Hero. Western Folklore 17.4 (1958) 273-75. JSTOR. Web. 01 Mar. 2014. Dunbar, Viola R. The Revision of Daisy Miller. current Language Notes 65.5 (1950) 311-317. JSTOR. Web. 28 Feb. 2014. Morris, Toni J. Daisy Miller. Cyclopedia Of Literary Places (2003) 1. Literary Reference Center. Web. 5 Mar. 2014. Werlock, Abby H. P. Daisy Miller. Blooms Literature. Facts On File, Inc. Web. 5 Mar. 2014.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Sounds of Silence analysis Essay example -- essays research papers

In the process of conveying emotion and feeling, people take different routes in going about such a task. Some people draw, some debate, and others write. Paul Simon, a genius with words and music, wrote poems to describe his feelings on politics, love, and the ways of life. tryout or reading a Paul Simon telephone call gives a person a blessed experienced, they had just seen real emotion, an oddity in these days. One Simon song that stands out above the rest is also probably his most famous, The Sounds of Silence. Like many other Paul Simon pieces, the contradictory title is not the sole(prenominal) confusing aspect of the song, each post conveys complex yet meaningful words.The 60s was a decade dominated by great musicians Bob Dylan, Janis Joplin, and Jimi Hendrix. Paul Simon is some other man that tackled music and took it to the level of excellence, likethe other 60s music idols. In his song The Sounds of Silence, he puts multiple concepts of importance into one 35 line poe m, successfully getting his point across. So the question is, what are the sounds of silence and what is it Paul Simon is trying to say? The Sounds of Silence that he refers to numerous times shows the deficiency of human communication in everyday life . Simon is saying that intelligent conversations or friendly words to one another have been overlooked in society. The poem shows that although people talk to others, they are not saying what they truly feel. I...

Sounds of Silence analysis Essay example -- essays research papers

In the process of conveying emotion and feeling, great deal take different routes in going most such a task. Some people draw, some debate, and others write. Paul Simon, a genius with words and medicament, wrote poems to describe his feelings on politics, love, and the ways of life. Hearing or adaptation a Paul Simon song gives a person a blessed experienced, they had just seen real emotion, an oddity in these days. One Simon song that stands out higher up the rest is also probably his most famous, The Sounds of Silence. Like many other Paul Simon pieces, the contradictory title is not the only confusing look of the song, each line conveys complex yet meaningful words.The 60s was a decade dominated by great musicians Bob Dylan, Janis Joplin, and Jimi Hendrix. Paul Simon is another man that tackled music and took it to the level of excellence, likethe other 60s music idols. In his song The Sounds of Silence, he puts multiple concepts of importance into one 35 line poem, success fully get his point across. So the question is, what are the sounds of silence and what is it Paul Simon is trying to say? The Sounds of Silence that he refers to numerous times shows the lack of human communication in everyday life . Simon is saying that intelligent conversations or friendly words to one another have been overlooked in society. The poem shows that although people talk to others, they are not saying what they truly feel. I...

Monday, May 27, 2019

Business Industry Essay

Protection is being the account one reason on why wash room accessories see been growing in a refrain phase. Both small size gad rag to big size gadget need protection from the harsh outside environment, and therefore many companies have been trying to solve the problem by making a suit or body protector for the gadget lover to keep their thingamajigs functional even with arch impact to the ground or other hard objects. The mobile hollo accessories itself accounts for 36 billion dollar which is a very unexpected number because of the forecasted number was 20 million by the end of 2012. This proven that the industry has been performing very well that even the prediction to the real value ratio is nigh doubled. The trend of using smartphone and newest laptop has taken protection of those items to the next level. High protection for expensive gadget is very important nowadays, this is proven by the add together of money people exhausted on having the best protection for thei r devices. There are 2 types on consumers in this business, people who actually put accessories on their smartphone to add esthetic value to their gadget and people who buy accessories for the protection of their gadget. This trend is supported by several studies that shown people who have gadget spent more(prenominal) than 55 dollars alone for the accessories. Smartphone industry is very popular among the age group of 18-44 and therefore the accessories come along with the age group of people who have smartphone. This research is done and concluded with more than 55% of the age group have smart phone.OtterboxOtterbox is a private company which is founded in 1998. It has been producing the protection for gadget ever since. Otterbox is headquartered in Fort Collins, Colorado and its trademark is to build a waterproof electronic cases for mobile devices. Otterbox product lines are mainly point on the protection of the product and not focused on the esthetic side of the product. Fun ctionality has been the front line of the product. Mainly it is as waterproof boxes and device-specific smartphone and tablet cases designed for outdoor enthusiast. Unique selling pointOver the years, Otterbox has earned a reputation for the best protection for portable devices which offer high impact protection, water protection, etc.The Otterbox premium feature is offered by the premium price that comes along with it. Leaving its competitor behind, Otterbox sells their product from a competitive price of $25 to a whopping $70 for the defender series that offer the best protection for portable devices. Target MarketOtterbox targets mainly on outdoor enthusiast who ordinarily go out to rough terrains. Given the product main unique selling point of protection, Otterbox disregard relieve the fear of destroying their devices during their activity outside.SWOT potentiality Weakness salubrious brand nameDiversified ProductsStrong logistic Lack of promotion Opportunities ThreatGrowing commercialise of smartphone Intense competitionimpersonation start coming to the marketStrengthStrong brand namePeople who know Otterbox know that the product is a very high quality product. The customers know that they are getting what they paid for. redden though Otterbox release a new product line, the customers will already know that the product will offer protection like no other brand. Diversified ProductsThe product lines of Otterbox varies from small smartphone to big smartphone even tablet, and therefore customers find it is nice to have the protective case that made specifically for that type of device that they have. Strong LogisticIt is easy to find Otterbox all over the world. Otterbox have channel distribution almost all over the world with the main phone accessories distributor in that country and therefore, getting our hand on Otterbox is relatively easy.WeaknessLack of promotionPeople who know Otterbox know that it is a profound product, but a lot of people dont k now Otterbox because their lack of promotion compared to other brand such as Targus.OpportunitiesGrowing market of Smart phoneAs it is described in the market Industry analysis, the market has been growing unexpectedly high compared to the forecast, and therefore by using this opportunity, Otterbox can boost up the sale of their product alongside with the growing industry market.ThreatsIntense competitionCompetition has been very tough and it is not getting easier for Thule, more companies are coming to step in to the way in the protective case market. Fierce competition is on the eyesight and newcomers such as Balistic, Hardcore, and CasemateImitation comes to the marketEven though it is still hard to get, imitation has been swarming the market because Otterbox such a good product. However, if Otterbox just let it go, the problem will get much bigger and imitation could cannibalize the real product. 1 . https// ore- 2 . http// 3 . http// 4 . http//

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Orthodox Jewish family Essay

(1) Remember the Sabbath mean solar twenty-four hours, to musical accompaniment it consecrate. Exodus 208Describe in detail the way in which a fully observant Orthodox Jewish family would keep this mitzvah. You should explain the symbolismism of the confused ceremonies and rituals where relevantShabbat is the only Jewish vacation enjoined by the Ten Commandments, fashioning it an e supererogatoryly classical one to the whole family. It is observed on the s up to nowth twenty-four hour period in commemoration of the one-s eveningth sidereal day on which divinity fudge be after completing the Creation, and of gods role in accounting and his covenant with the Jewish people. Along with exclusively Orthodox Jews, the family ar strictly get to sanctify Shabbat at post and in the tabernacle. They forget solely avoid fly the coop on this day and give engage in worship and study. The Talmud specifies the activities which they be to stop from and, universe Orthodox , the family would secernate that anyaffair resembling these is flow and is at that tellfore forbid on Shabbat. They stop their creative work in set up to reflect on the powers God has given, making sure they assoil the right habit of them.A member of the family, usually the m most(a) some some former(a) or father, leave alone use a Jewish calendar, daybook or newspaper to find out the precise succession Shabbat begins on that Friday evening. This is because it varies from workhebdomad to week and it is therefore un authoritative to which day the period between old and nightfall begins. Knowing the correct clock is grave to the whole family to ensure they argon law-abiding the masters for Shabbat for the exact length of period God expects from them and because the clip socio-economic class come somewhats the biblical story of creation And there was evening and there was morning, one day (Genesis 15). Shabbat deaths from sunset on Friday evening to sunset on the beginning Shabbat separately member of the family will carry out the necessary preparations so that they wont need or requisite to undertake any of the forbidden activities. For example, the nonplus will take nimble all the repasts needed because God swan it was burning(prenominal) to remove three meals during Shabbat, save that they should placid abstain from evolution or preparing the nutrition. Modern technology has made this easier because the Jews ar able to put their meals in slow cookers and although the p arnts arent able to create a fire or turn on the heating, they are able to set a durationr for the heating. The light on the electric refrigerator is a akin taped up so that the fridge hobo be opened without breaking the Shabbat rule, not to create fire or light. It is usually the mformer(a) that thoroughly cleans the house and gets all the necessary shop in the beginninghand because cleaning is seen as work and is therefore forbidden.The use of a car is likewise forbidden, so the parents will be unable(p) to drive to shops. ingathering food is too seen as work because the Israelites had to collect manna in the wilderness. The whole family essential(prenominal)iness apply prepared their garb for the day, because the mother is unable to atomic add up 26 or sew. Children mustiness eat completed any homework or jobs that have to be get ine, in the first place the Friday evening, because the completion of work and writing is also forbidden. The chelaren must also be able to leave school early (e fussyly during winter) in order to ensure they have enough sentence to arrive home before Shabbat begins. If either of the parents have jobs, they must kick in sure that e rattlingthing outstanding is completed and that they wont need to speak to colleagues because they are unable to use the phone or machines such as computers and fax machines.The Shabbat table must be laid by the family beforehand because the meal that they share on the Friday evening is in truth authorized, even members of the family that have left over(p) home try to return for this meal because it unites them. Each member of the family has a bath before sunset and wears their best clothes, for the meal. All members of the family will try to wear some white to represent purity and hope. It is pregnant to the whole family to abstain from these activities, and many some(prenominal), during Shabbat. This is because the Talmud lists them as forbidden and says that God made the seventh day sanctified by resting after making the world, therefore the opportunity to rest is the strike out of being free and Shabbat offers this opportunity.The Shabbat preparations involve allone in the family, from the youngest upwards because, although there are tabernacle service to attend, the main focus of Shabbat revolves round the home and is a day for the family to share together.In preparation for the approaching day of holin ess, the char of the house must light white compact disks before the sunset. This not only refreshings Shabbat, but it also symbolises peace coming into the house, joy, grace and serenity, because God created light. For the family, the home is inter modify to the celebration of Shabbat and this is an alpha duty for the woman. She will accordingly recite the berachah of God, all in hope of driving away any sorrow and unhappiness. The father and then takes an important role in welcoming the Shabbat. He says a special invoke over b acquire and wine and the emphasis of the family is expressed by blessing the children and reciting proverbs in honour of his wife. A fathers blessing is real important for the Jews because Abraham began the custom with their ancestors.The males in the family will attend an evening service in the synagogue. The service is attended to welcome Shabbat as a bride. The husband is the Jewish people. The women do not attend this service because it is fe lt that their place is at home at this time. They are also very busy with preparations and the rituals they severalizeake in to welcome Shabbat. The men greet all(prenominal) other by saying Shabbat shalom, which wishes them a wide and peaceful Shabbat. They also say hymns and psalms and recite blessings, like Kiddush, over wine.The Shabbat celebratory meal is eaten on the Friday evening. Each Friday morning, usually, the mother will oven broil fresh Challot (sweet braided loaves) because as it cooks it produces an amazing aroma that fills the house and reminds the family that Shabbat is on its way. Every organic structure washes their hands as a symbol of purity to give Shabbat the best welcome possible. Before the meal, after the father has blessed the family, he recites the prayer of holiness so that from individually one member of the family is pertain, by saying Amen at the end of each blessing. Kiddush begins the meal because it sets a special aureole and gives a sens e of single-precious function. Kiddush is said because it is an important way of sanctify the meal. One of the adults in the family will recite divulge of the Genesis this has the importance of learning the children because it speaks of God resting after creating the world. This befriends the family understand the importance of Shabbat and sticking to its rules.Throughout the meal, many items are present and many actions take place that are an important part of the feast. A white tablecloth is laid out on the family dining table before the meal, symbolising the purity. The woman of the house, or whoever has prepared the meal, must ensure it is eaten with the best cutlery and crockery because it is important that the family welcome the Shabbat with the ut well-nigh signboardifi rumpce and treat it like a queen or bride. devil potentiometerdles are utilize to give duplication brightness than usual and to symbolise the extra or double soul that each member of the family has on Shabbat. This number of give the gatedles also has many other meanings that different members of the family will mean in. The adults present often believe that it symbolises the number of parents in an ideal family and the different canons that have to be observed on Shabbat. The family may also believe it is an important symbol of past (creation) and future (exodus).Two loaves are placed on the table, and blessings are said over them. The double portion is an important monitoring device of when the Israelites were in the wilderness after the Exodus and a double portion of Manna was left for them so that they wouldnt have to collect any on Shabbat. The loaves are covered by a cloth called a Hallah, symbolising the dew over the manna. This is important because it makes the meal even much special and precious to the family. The hallah dressed the bread like a bride and values its sensitivities. The two loaves, that the family eat, must be plaited to represent God, Israel and the Torah which are important when bound together in the bread because they are mutually dependant, showing the family that the three cant exist without each other. by and by the blessings, a office of bread is dipped in salt and given to each member of the family. The parents or children will often have invited guests to this special meal and they are also given a piece of the salted bread because hospitality is always greatly important to the Jewish faith and its festivals.The knife that is apply to cut the bread for each member of the family is covered during the meal because the knife is a weapon of war and violence. The parents want to protect the children from this and emphasise that Shabbat is a time of peace and harmony. During the meal, a plaited candle is always present to symbolise Gods omnipresence and the potential in any human being. After the meal a special grace is said by a member of the family and Bible stories are told to the children to spread joy and happine ss whilst they fancy. The whole meal and the preparation involved is exceedingly important to the whole family because it brings them together on one of the most important geezerhood of the week and reminds them of their dependence on God for all that is good in lifetime. Sometimes the family may sing songs at the table, which emphasise the joy and togetherness that Shabbat brings.On Shabbat morning the whole family will attend a synagogue service, which is one of the most important and central parts of the festival. It is the chief bond uniting the family with each other and other Jews. The parents ensure that the service is attended because it keeps the family as part of a worshipping community. It is often three hours long for everyone to fully appreciate the importance of the holiday. The males and females will sit separately during the service. The parents arent allowed to use the car during Shabbat, so the family are potential to walk to the synagogue together. The Rabbi l eads the family and others in prayer, during the service. The men of the family refrain from wearing their Tefillin whilst praying because Rabbis say that Shabbat is a sign of Gods alliance with the Jews and no other sign is required. Every Shabbat one, or maybe two, scrolls are taken out of the Ark and as it is opened each family member will join the congregation in singing the first line of the Shema.The scroll is then carried round the synagogue with great rejoicing. The men will kiss their tallit as they touch the passing Torah, before it is taken up to the bimah. Having the Torah read to the Orthodox family, from the bimah, is very important because it reminds them of the altar in the Temple. The father may be involved in carrying the scroll and other members of the family may be called up to read or recite a blessing. If a boy in the family has had his 13th birthday during the previous week he celebrates his Bar mitzvah during this service. This is a Jewish custom and makes the birthday exceedingly special for the young boy and his family. This is all a very important part of the service, especially for the family, because it involves them in the joy and gives them a sense of identity.The readings, by members of the congregation, are said before or after a portion of the Torah is read. This is then followed by the chanting of the Haftara. Psalms are also read to the whole congregation, by the Rabbi, during his sermon. These readings are all very important to the family because Jews hold back upon the Torah and Shabbat as Gods two greatest gifts to them. Kiddush is said again at the end of the service as an important blessing. As the family leave the synagogue they wish each other and, members of the congregation, Shabbat Shalom. This wishes them the peace of Shabbat. Often guests will be invited back to the familys home for the afternoon because hospitality is a great feature of Shabbat and the pietism. Attending the service each week helps them to show their dedication to God and ensures the day is lived as a celebration and not an annoyance.The synagogue service is usually held in the morning, leaving the family with the afternoon free to enjoy the Shabbat holiday. A lunch is often eaten similar to the meal eaten the night before. Kiddush is again said over Challot to sanctify the remaining hours of the holiday and keep them honourable as special as the rest. The festival forbids many things, but there are still plenty of activities each member of the family can bear on in. They may set time aside in order to study the Torah, this will remind them some what matters most to Jews the family and the Torah. They will spend time, during Shabbat, thinking active what God intends human life to be because Jews realise that it is important to God that there is human co-operation. All Jews want to help make the world a better place, and the family may spend this time thinking of ways in which they can achieve this.This can also be done in the synagogue during an afternoon service, if the family want to attend. If not, they may choose to go for a walk to spend much than time together because family is seen as very important. If the adults are trace particularly social, they may hold a gathering at their home to express outwardly the happiness inherent in the Shabbat holiday. Hospitality has also been very important to Jews because it is a custom that occurs in many festivals and goes back to the times of Abraham, so friends and family are invited. The group move intain them selves with drama, community discussions, lectures and singing. The children can play games and music. commonly the mother or father will provide refreshments that can be offered round by themselves or the children, in order to complement the congenial atmosphere and perpetuate the Talmuds recommendation to eat three full meals that day.As the day draws to an end, a special ceremony is held in the familys home to augury the end of Shabbat. It is said at any time after nightfall in order to give the day a departing ceremony. This is to show how special and important it is to them. They may choose to attend this ceremony at their local synagogue, to give a sense of socialism and community, instead of at home. Wine and candles are used to welcome the Shabbat and the resembling symbols are used for its departure. A chosen member of the family will say a special blessing called the Havdalah, which message division. It is said to emphasise the idea of separation (between light and dark, blessed and the profane, Israel and other nations and Shabbat from weekold age). It praises God for all these separations.The family then chant two other blessings, the first over sweet smelling spices and the second over a lighted candle. The spice box is passed around each member of the family, in the hope that the deeds of the conterminous week will be sweetened. The spices are also important for the family to be able to rem ember Shabbat throughout the week, by the sweet scent of the spices. The lit candle is a very important symbol for the departure of Shabbat because fire can now be kindled, after having been forbidden for the past day.Each member of the family then spreads their hands towards the light to express the thought that light is Gods gift and is too be used to good purpose. It also reminds them that the first thing God created was light. With the end of Shabbat, the first day of creation begins. The family have used all five senses of smell, sight, taste, hearing and touch throughout this ceremony and this h eightsomeens the spectrality of the festival. The mother or father will end the ceremony by putting out the candle with the wine as the rest of the family sing songs that ask for help and for the arrival of the messianic age.(2) Discuss the ways in which the lives of this family will be affected by their observance of this mitzvah, and the reasons why they are wild about safe guardia nship the customs dutyalistic Sabbath practices alive in modern times.The familys lives will be affected in many ways by their observance of Shabbat. It is the most nasty mitzvah of the year and will put each member of the family under pressure. There are lots of ways in which the festival can be very difficult and many Orthodox Jews would get that although it is a day meant for rest it actually makes life to a greater extent stressful, by having to fit it in around the busy, hectic lifestyles of todays hunting lodge.The word Sabbath means rest, but in the home of an Orthodox family a great deal of work has to be done before the day. Friday becomes busier than any other day of the week and this puts the family under more stress to get everything completed on time. The whole house must be cleaned, food cooked and all jobs finished before sunset. Someone in the family also has to take even more time out in order to find the exact time in which Shabbat begins that week. This has t o be done before Friday evening and can be difficult because the time is only displayed on some Jewish calendars and newspapers. This causes extra stress before the day has even begun.Orthodox women are not obliged to pray during Shabbat, wear the Tefillin or read the Torah at the services so it seems that the festival is easier for them and has less effect on their lives, but this is not so because there is lots that they are obliged to do. They must always keep to the traditional guidelines to set a good example to the children. It is usually the women who have to take time off work and important jobs in order to prepare for Shabbat. They must cook the meal, clean the house, light the candles and carry out traditional rituals like the removing of a piece of dough whilst the bread is baking. Women work more these geezerhood and preparation for Shabbat can be virtually impossible or can make their lives very hectic, making it difficult for them to obtain accredited jobs and comple te work on time.The men in the family are obliged to attend the Synagogue on Friday evening to pray, whereas the women arent. This could have the effect of dividing the family on an occasion which is meant to be joyous and bonding occasion. This may be difficult for the younger men in the family because they will see their sisters and mothers being able to stay at home on the Friday evening. As with the adult women, the men will also have to take time off work to observe the Sabbath in the traditional way and this can cause stress over the early or late completion, or worry over what is happening whilst they abstain from work, because they are unable to communicate via technology like the telephone and computer. Traditional observance of Shabbat will affect the choice of job the adults make because they have to ensure that they will be able to take at least a whole day off, each week. Using the car is forbidden and even using public transport, which means that the parents cant trave l any distances and therefore cant make any important trips. This can have bad affects within coursees because it prevents problems from being solved as quickly as possible.Taking this time of work can cause a reduced wage, which can have a blackened effect on the whole family. Life can be even more expensive if you have a family and so they would need as practically money as possible. This could make it difficult to find enough money to buy essentials and pay the bills. To make things worse Shabbat can be an expensive holiday to have each week because to for an Orthodox family to observe it, they would need the correct bread and candles, good crockery and posh clothes. The family would also lose even more money by having to abstain from creativity, which means leaving the heating and lights on for the whole day, if they dont have timers. Not only do the candles toll money but they are a hazard to have in a family home. The constant lighting and close contact could cause a fire, in effect ruining homes and lives.They are also dangerous to have around children, especially the very young or babies. If accidentally left unattended the candles could cause the last of a child. The many forbidden activities on a traditional Shabbat could make the parents aspect as though they are wasting a day because they are unable to get on with important jobs around the house. Even the children may feel they are wasting homework time. Not being able to work would have a very bad effect on teenagers because they would be unable to revise for important exams and would lose a day each week for coursework. University and ordinal form students are unable to write essays and coursework over this time. This could ultimately affect their school and exam results, which affects their lives and futures. Children often have to leave school early, especially during winter, because it is a tradition to be home before sunset so that you can welcome in the Shabbat with the family.This ca n cause them to miss important entropy and work each week. It also puts them under stress to catch up on missed work, at the same time as new work. Teenagers and sixth form students are unable to get Saturday jobs, so they have less money than their friends and less to pay school fees. This can make life even more of a struggle during their education. This Orthodox family may have to abstain from doing things which they enjoy, during this free time, because they have been defined as work. This can be very frustrate because different people consider different things as work. Sometimes people choose to do things which are hard work to others, because they enjoy them. This makes it hard to abstain from doing these, whilst they have all this free time.The laws of Shabbat mean that food and milk cant be heated for babies. This can make it difficult for parents to feed them and if they dont get the correct food and nutrients it can cause health problems in the future.In todays beau mon de, a traditional Shabbat can have a particularly restrictive affect on children and can cause boredom, which leads to resentment against the festival and even the religion. If there are no afternoon activities be after and no television or computers allowed the day can become very boring. Modern society relies on things like television and computer games as a form of entertainment it is very difficult for children to give this up each week. They are unable to participate in many weekend activities like other children their age and this can have a depressing affect on children, causing them to feel left out and isolated. It can also lead to bullyrag or loss of friends, which can have a devastating affect on children. Teenagers cant go shopping or even use mobile phones, causing them to feel isolated or cut off from society and their friends.Taking part in traditional rituals and practices on Shabbat can make the children, and even the parents, feel like an exhibit, different and a s though they are not normal. Shabbat often doesnt fit in with local cultures and modern society work practices. This is made even worse by the fact that the Christian Sabbath, which is the majority, celebrate Sabbath on the Sunday. They can see everyone else going out and leading what society sees as a normal life. This can encourage bullying and a lack of enthusiasm for the festival. There are just too many rules to follow and all the dos and donts make the Jews sound weird to other people, affecting their lives in the community and creating a problem for the family, in distinguishing what can and cant be done.Using the car is forbidden on Shabbat, making the day even more difficult for the family, especially if they have young children or elderly or disabled members of the family. This means that walking long distances can become an almost impossibility. In Orthodox, traditional observance the family are meant to walk no further than 1 and 3 quarters miles. This is still a long d istance and will tire certain members and make the trip feel like a chore. This also means that, to keep this rule, the family have to buy a house within this distance from a synagogue. This reduces their choice and can leave them facial expression unhappy with the area they live in.However, for an Orthodox family, the Jewish rules become such a complete way of life that they cant and wont break the traditional observance, despite any restrictions and difficult effects it has. Tradition- doing things the way they have always been done- is very important in Judaism. It comes every week and is an important reminder of Gods creation. Shabbat itself symbolises the covenant God has with the Jewish people and this emphasises why they are so enthusiastic about keeping traditional practices, they feel these practices thank God , praising him for the covenant and creation, and help them feel nestled to him.Despite the pressures involved, Shabbat is so unique that it must be extoled by beh aving differently, to mark it from the rest of the week, there are also many positive ways in which the day affects the lives of each member of the family and causes them to be enthusiastic about observing it in the traditional way. They festival has so many benefits for the family, heightening the enthusiasm. Orthodox Jews hold very firmly to the teachings of the Torah because they were revealed by God to Moses. The observance of Shabbat is the fourth commandment. This rule came from God, so strict Jews, such as this family, have no determinationions against it and enjoy the challenge Shabbat creates, seeing it as a necessity to their religious faith.Many Jews would say that all the festivals are terrific occasions and Shabbat provides a discipline to life which brings family togetherness, right from childhood and this is seen as a wonderful thing. The adults in the family are particularly enthusiastic about keeping the tradition of a day of rest, because it allows them to set t ime aside to study the Torah and Talmud. This is important to them for guidance in life and to learn new things, whilst enabling them to pass their Jewish knowledge to the children. Shabbat affects the way in which the future(a) generation of Jews will develop because the parents are more able (through the festivities) to teach their children a sense of values and pass on what is believed to be right. The children will realise a sense of right and wrong, what is of real value in life and how people should behave.Shabbat is also a time for relaxing with the family. Nowadays, many people live highly stressful lives. People work too hard and Shabbat gives them time to remember whats really important in life. They are continually hurrying to get things done and families seldom have time to just be together. Shabbat is like calling time out, everything stops and an incredible peace descends on the family. A traditional Shabbat is important to them because they are able to spend time tog ether in an unhurried, relaxed atmosphere. The family like to keep it traditional and abstain from work to feel relieved, happy and to aim for better spirituality, whilst feeling better physically.The opportunity to rest is the mark of being free, and the family know a traditional Shabbat offers this. This increases their enthusiasm for the holiday because it is enjoyable and they are able to talk about what has happened to each of them during the week. This is a nice change from always watching the television, ensuring that the family dont become more and more distant from each other. They want to keep it traditional, as their Jewish ancestors would have noted it, because their heritage is extremely important to them and is wonderfully satisfying.It is keeping Jewish culture alive and unites the family with all Jewish communities in the world to give them security and a sense of identity. Children may find the day restrictive, but most parents will try not to make it so. After a hard working week the whole family look forward to Shabbat because its a pleasure to come together, relax, eat a meal together, be able to talk and have some time to read without interruption. Some Jewish families feel pressurised to have certain objects at Shabbat, like fine cutlery or a white tablecloth, but the traditions and nature of the festival teach the family that its not the objects, but the actions that are important. Its having the loaves of bread on the table, not what covers them that matters.Many Orthodox Jews are enthusiastic about the practices of Shabbat each week because it is a day out of the twentieth century for a change. A day of rest and relaxation. All the traditions like candles, songs, a special meal affects each single(a). It provides a sense of wellbeing and fulfilment, as though everything they do is right. This means they enjoy life more and have something to look forward to each week. It is a festival primarily enjoyed in the home, which affects the lives of the family in a very positive way and is important because the home is a very special place in the Jewish faith. It is the central point of the religion and is of great spiritual and physical importance because it is where we learnt to talk, walk, feed and play. This reflects on how the family feel about Shabbat. Instead of feeling like they are being cooped up inside all day, they feel there is much to learn and share. They are able to have a celebratory meal together and even invite friends and relatives, to be hospitable and make it more enjoyable.During the meal, the family are able to have deep and raise discussions lasting long into the night. It is quality time, a time of connection, communication and inclusion. The women are especially enthusiastic to observe the tradition of candles and the lighting, because it is seen as a lovely share time which brings mums, daughters, grans, friends and guests close in the warmth and beauty of the moment. It is important to th em, to know that Jewish women all over the globe do the same thing, and that gives a wonderful feeling of unity. Baking home made Challot for Shabbat is very satisfying for the women in the family.They are still able to keep the tradition, even if they are unable to bake their own, because it is easy to buy some from tasty Jewish bakeries that are now around. The celebratory meal fills the house with many wonderful aromas of traditional Shabbat food, including from the lunch for the next day, this increase the enthusiasm of everyone involved and especially entices the children to keep the festival traditional, whilst reminding and teaching everyone present of their dependence on God for all that is good in life.As technology progresses, keeping the traditions of Shabbat has become easier for the whole family, which makes them more enthusiastic to observe it as it always has been. For example, the family may eat a dish called cholent for lunch. This will be left to keep warm on the s tove, the low flame of which will be covered with a sheet of metal called a blech. This covers the flame and controls of the stove, as no cooking is allowed over the entire Shabbat. Modern appliances have made it much easier for Orthodox Jews to keep to the rules of Shabbat, which inevitably increases their enthusiasm for keeping the holiday traditional. For example, timers can be set for things like the heating and lights so that they dont have to be left on for the whole of Shabbat. This saves the family money that would have equal previous Jews. Machines can be programmed to do things at certain times, like cookers and even computers, so essential work may not be missed.The synagogue plays a very important part in Jewish worship. This is part of the reason why the family are enthusiastic to keep the festival traditional, by attention special services to worship God. The Friday evening study services at the synagogue help the family to better understand the Torah and how to live your life, the service will not only help them to strictly observe Shabbat, but it also brings the congregation together and the family can be more social, making new friends or just spending time with ones they already know. The children can also attend youth services and groups that help them meet with other Jews their own age. They can learn about fun things surrounding Shabbat and it helps them realise that although Saturday is a special day out for their non-Jewish friends, it is just as special, in so many ways, to the Jews. As well as attending these services, the children can also conduct their own, which would be more appropriate to their interests and much more suitable and interesting for the youths of the congregation. This also helps them to become practically involved with the religion as well as giving them key skills in preparation, speech giving and co-operation which are very important.The services during Shabbat are especially important to young boys, because the first Shabbat after their 13th birthday is when their Bar Mitzvah is held. They are especially enthusiastic to keep it traditional around this time because it is a celebratory custom that has been conducted since the time of Abraham. The Orthodox family would have found their home near to a synagogue, because walking there each Shabbat is a tradition they would want to keep. By not using the car for a whole day each week, the family are saving money that non- Jews wouldnt. This makes them more enthusiastic to keep the tradition of only walking, to travel, on Shabbat. The walk can have a very positive effect on the family, giving them time to spend together and a chance to walk rather than forever depending on the car, because life is always a rush. It slows life down, giving each individual a chance to think.After the services there are lots of afternoon activities that take place to prevent boredom. These will often happen in the home. The children and parents can get much enjoym ent and happiness out of this hospitality. They make new friends, feel part of the community and can play games or show off certain talents in drama and singing. These activities are fun and still keep to the rules of Shabbat. This makes it seem less restrictive and encourages the family to keep it traditional. The free afternoons are also a perfect time for the children to importantly widen their knowledge on the religion.Any festival has its negative effects on those that observe all its rules, but despite these the family are still enthusiastic about keeping the traditional Sabbath practices alive because they can all become involved and enjoy the festivities of their unique day. It is important for parents to bond with their children and to encourage them to do something different when they find it difficult to abstain from televisions and computers. Children may find it particularly difficult and separating from their friends, but it helps them to learn that if your friends are truly genuine and caring, they will respect your religious beliefs as part of who you are.Its a day so different from all the others, that gives each member of the family a sense of identity and by keeping the traditions they can all find their own place in the religion, knowing they are spending the day as their older relatives always have done. They know that, by observing traditional practices, Jews around the world are doing the same things and this emphasises their sense of identity and helping them to feel part of a community. When they are in the homes of other family members or friends, during Shabbat, they know that each ritual will be the same and this provides a welcome structure for the whole family. So to be able to spend a holiday at a friends or relatives house and see the same candles, the same bread and the same wine focuses the mind, to create something beautiful out of very basic objects is very satisfying.(3) For religious people, every day should be sanctum.Do you jib? Give reasons for your opinion and show that you have thought about different points of view. You must refer to Judaism in your answer.I believe that in religion, every day should be hard-boiled as holy because, especially in Judaism, the whole life is directed towards thinking about and putting into practice their faith in God and observance of his guidelines. There are days of the year on which holier rituals are carried out and more time is spent reflecting on the religion, but every day of the week involves activities that are important to the religion and are considered holy. The faith of a Jew is incorporated into every day of their life, giving each one a special holiness because of its dedication to God. The covenant that God created between himself and the Jews is the reason for this. By following the lifestyle advocated by GodAnd you shall do that which is proper and good in the eyes of Hashem,The Jew is commanded to be holy and to create holiness in themselves. They can experience and contribute to the holiness through many actions. They feel that as a sign of gratitude and commitment every aspect of everyday should be dedicated and set apart. They also believe that actions which arent considered holy or being carried out for God should not be done.On an average day, Jews will be thinking about God, their religion and how they should act, which already makes the day more sacred and holy to them, but they aill also partake in lots of rituals that set time apart for remembrance, thanks or even just thought. Even the home, in which every day is spent, is considered holy because of the mezuzah, a parchment scroll on which two transportations are written. These command the Jew to write Gods words on the doorpost, setting it apart from other houses. It is a constant reminder of God and his Torah. By having mezuzah in the house as well they can make every room sacred for God. They touch it and then their lips when they enter or leave the room. It is then a permanent visual aid, reminding them of Gods commands in their home life. A typical Jewish day is the best example of the way Jews want every day to be holy.Prayer is not but something that happens in the synagogue once a week but it is an integral part of everyday life. They are constantly reminded of Gods presence and of their relationship with him because they continually pray to him. The first thought in the morning, even before they get out of bed, is a prayer thanking God for returning their souls to them. The holiness and sanctitude continues throughout the day because there are prayers to be recited before enjoying any material pleasure, such as eating and before performing any mitzvah, such as washing and lighting candles.They will also pray whenever something good or bad happens and before they got to bed. These are known as berakhot and have to be said at least 100 times each day to increase the holiness and acknowledge God as the ultimate source of all goo d and evil in the universe. These prayers are said in addition to the formal ones which are recited three times a day, every weekday. This is to dedicate as much of the day as possible to thought about God and to increase the awareness of the role he plays in their lives. If they only pray when they feel inspired then not every day would be set apart for God.The Talmud states that it is permissible to pray in any language, nut to pray in Hebrew adds a special importance and holiness to each day. Reciting in Hebrew is important because it is the pure essence of Jewish thought and is a responsibleness they undertook as part of the covenant made with God. It is also considered a holy language because of its intrinsic characteristics. As well as praying in Hebrew, every time they pray they face Israel. This makes it extra sacred because the Land of Israel is more holy than all other lands.A Jewish day completely revolves around their religion and keeping it holy. This is partly due to the comprehensive way of life, filled with rules and practices that affect every aspect of life what they can and cannot eat, what they can and cannot wear, how to direct themselves, how to conduct their business and most importantly, how to treat God. These rules and practices are known as Halakhah and is the Jewish law. It gives spirituality to each day and gives all trivial acts a religious significance. They are constantly reminded of their faith and so it becomes an integral part of their entire existence.The daily rituals, I am about to explain, are laws of the Halakhah, instituted in the Torah to keep every day, between holidays, holy. Kashrut is the body of Jewish law that deals with what they can and cannot eat and how it must be prepared and eaten.They call this keeping kosher and it is something the Jews will do every single day of their lives. This involves the maximum removal of blood from their meat and not mixing meat with milk. This is because the Torah commands tho u shalt not boil a kid in its mothers milk. Every day, great trouble is put into observing this law, making sure they are not cooked or eaten together. It is observed with exact care as a means to self discipline and purity. This shows their obedience to God and it elevates the simple everyday act of eating into a religious ritual. Even the dinner table, used on a regular basis each day, is holy because it is compared to the Temple altar. A Jew that observes the laws of kashrut cannot eat a meal without being reminded of the fact that they are a Jewish.A Jew will ensure that time is set apart each day to study the Talmud and Torah. They learn more about the religion and achieve guidance in life, whilst proving their commitment to God and keeping his mitzvah. They are able to spend thinking only of this and none of the material things in life, which is very holy and sacred to them.At the heart of the Halakhah is the unchangeable 613 mitzvot that God gave to the Jewish people in the T orah. The Jews keep to all mitzvah (commandments) that apply to them. For example, every day Jews observe the mitzvah to recite grace after meals because the Torah has told them to and that it blesses the Lord. It is also performed out of respect for God and to make the day holier for him because he has ultimately provided them with the food they need to survive.As well as prayer each day, Jews will often visit the synagogue by themselves or with the family, to bring extra holiness to each day. They dont just visit the synagogue for special services and festivals instead they often go to just pray and be closer to God. Prayer in the synagogue brings them closer to God and allows their mind to be completely focused on God rather than things that are happening in the home. There are many items worn during prayer in the synagogue that are of great significance to each day and the sacredness of prayer. There are three items worn by adult male Jews, each time they pray, as reminders of G od and their obligations to him. The first is a prayer shawl, called a Tallit, a white, square or rectangular garment made of wool or silk.The most important feature of it is the fringe tzizit in each four corners. This is very important to remind them of the holy mitzvoth they have to keep each day. The second sacred object is the tephillin, which are two black boxes that contain four passages of the Torah to instruct the Jew. The material it is written on is very important because it comes from a kosher animal and is treated with great respect. This is worn every time the Jew prays. One box is bound to the forehead and the other to the arm opposite the heart. This is important because they remind him that he must worship God with his whole person, the heart and the head. Tephilin are very holy symbols of the covenant because they stress obedience to the Torah. The third item is the kippah. This is a skull-cap worn by the men during prayer. Some wear this all day as a way of expres sing their respect for God.To incorporate their faith into everyday and make it holy Jews will fulfil the commandment in the Torah to help those in need, both in physical and financial. They will give at least ten percent of their income to charity. It is a sacred, instinctive response to express thanks to God, ask forgiveness or to request a favour from God. The spiritual benefit of giving to the poor each day is so great because it gives them an opportunity to perform Tzedakah, which is the highest of all commandments.Although I tot up that for the Jews, each day is holy there are some days which are holier than others and have a special focus. These days are considered holidays, emphasising their holiness because the word originated from holy day. Morally, everything a Jew does each day is directed towards God, but certain days are more important because more focus is put on God. These days are mainly well known festivals and are holier because extra effort is made, there are mo re rules to observe and far more togetherness.Pesach (or Passover) is a very important festival because unlike all other holy days it celebrates the beginnings of the Jewish people, when God delivered them from slavery in Egypt. Before Passover their house must be cleared of all foods containing leavened grain products or yeast in response to a passage commanding so in the Torah. This is followed so completely that families will have special kitchen utensils, crockery and cutlery used only for this festival and stored away for the rest of the year This makes it extra sacred because it means the use of it reminds them only of Passover and of Gods control over history and nature.The most spiritual part of the festival is the opening meal, called the Seder, in which unleavened bread is eaten to recreate the slavery conditions of their ancestors and to relive the exodus. It is very holy because of its strong connections with their ancestors and God, and because of its reminder of their dependence on him. Bitter herbs are eaten during Seder, to remind them of what is being commemorated. Parsley leaves represent freedom and the bitter stalk, slavery. This is rarely eaten throughout the year, giving it its own important spiritual meaning. These are dipped in salt water as a symbol of the slaves tears. Many other spiritual, unusual foods are eaten, including a hard boiled egg and a lamb bone as a reminder of the sacrifices offered in the temple. The Talmud states that each person must also drink four glasses of wine. This shows dedication to Gods commandments.The days of Passover are sacred and set apart from the rest because they celebrate freedom and without the events commemorated by it, there would be no Jewish people. In every Kiddush, throughout the year, Jews speak in remembrance of the exodus, but it is Passover which celebrates the birth of a nation. It expresses the sense of belonging to a people, chosen by God and depending on him.The tradition and ritual o f Sukkot creates an important festival to the Jews. The seven days in which it is observed are very holy and special because they focus on what God has given and celebrate his protection of the Israelites in the wilderness. This is different and holier than the rituals carried out on normal days because the Jews fulfil the mitzvah to dwell in booths. These booths remind them of their dependence on God and contain a hole in the roof, so that they feel closer to him. Having to stay in these booths is very special because it means families are able to spend more time, than usual, together. The four species is a very typic part of Sukkot and makes it extra holy. It contains an etrog and different leaves as a reminder of the harvest and the variety of people making up the Jewish community. It is waved in all directions, each day of the festival. This is a very spiritual act that symbolises Gods omnipresence.The days leading up to the festival of Rosh Hashanah are far holier than most of the year because they are spent repenting and Jews must enter into a mood of self reflection. The days are made holier and happier by an increase in good deeds. To fulfil the obligations of honouring and enjoying the festival, Jews will prepare, bathe, wear new clothes and clean the house. Rosh Hashanah lasts for two days, in which certain work is forbidden. These days are of great holiness and importance because they are traditionally when God opens the Book of life. During these days Jews beseech mercy in recognition of their sins, reflecting the importance of God. It is also the anniversary of the creation of the world, making it particularly holier and more significant than other festivals. Sacred blessings are recited over the candles, lit before sunset on the first night. Evening prayers and services are conducted with special melodies that enhance the special atmosphere.Each day of the festival is sanctified over wine by saying Kiddush, which sets it apart from other days. S pecial foods are eaten on Rosh Hashanah that arent eaten for the rest of the year, this gives the meals a special importance. Jews are more careful about keeping kosher on these days to make it holier and perfect in the eyes of God. Each food is very symbolic to the Jews, for example apples dipped in honey represent joy and blessing. Fruit is eaten, that has not been eaten for a year, to represent renewal. On Rosh Hashanah everyone should hear the Shofar to fulfil the commandment in the Torah. Its powerful blasts are a very important part of making the festival holier than others because it is only blown 100 times on these days out of the whole year. It not only warns people of the coming day of judgement, but importantly calls people together before God, so that communities and families spend more time together.Yom Kippur is without a doubt the holiest day in the Jewish calendar. It is a sacred experience for the Jews. The principle theme is atonement and is extremely holy because all actions are directed towards making God happy. On this day, Jews ignore physical needs, such as eating, to help them to concentrate on special needs, notably forgiveness. This twenty-four hours of Atonement is extra holy because it combines the elements of remorse and confession with those of prayer and spiritual purification. Fasting enhances this because it is done in fulfilment of the biblical command you shall afflict your souls.In honour of the holiday, it is customary to wear best clothes and to prepare the house as they would for Shabbat. Most clothes and special materials are white, on this day, for holiness and to symbolise purity. Many Jews will carry out a special ritual on the eve of Yom Kippur, particular to this festival to set it apart from others. They immerse themselves in a ritual bath in order to enter into a pure, holy manner. Jews do not light candles in their home every day, only for special occasions, and because Yom Kippur is so holy they will light spe cific candles called Yahrzeit candles.To set it apart from regular days and other festivals, Jews attend more services on Yom Kippur. They chant Kol Nidrei to stress the importance of the day and to remember when Jews were forced to convert to Christianity, but vowed to God to remain Jewish. The story Of Jonah is read on this day as a sacred reminder that God is willing to forgive anyone that repents their sins. Yom Kippur is especially holy because of the constant communication with God and the many pleas of forgiveness, for sins. It is the holiest day of the year because, they believe, it is when God makes his final judgement on each individual and what will happen to them throughout the next year.In addition to these festivals, Shabbat is the holiest day of each week. It is a spiritual day because of its constant focus on God. It is immensely holy because it is the only festival in whose observance is a commandment. Sabbath is so important each week that God told the Jews to keep it holy, therefore it is referred to as the holy day. This emphasises how holier it is than regular days with the same rituals each day. Shabbat has lots more additional mitzvah and rituals, for every Jew to partake in. Shabbat itself is the holiest day of each week, even without the rituals, because it symbolises Gods creation of the world and his covenant with the Jewish people. The holiness is shown by the way in which the day is welcomed so much differently from any other. Other than festivals, it is the only day of the week in which the Jews must ensure that the house is cleaned, the table laid, food prepared and the best clothes are worn by everybody.There are also so many more rewards for observing Shabbat because each individual has something to do and everyone wants to keep the day holy to show their obedience to God. A special meal is eaten on Shabbat, where the whole family and guests can spend more time together than usual meals. The rituals and symbols involved with th is meal make the day much holier and give it great meaning. They also give the family something important to look forward to each week. Plaited loaves are eaten on Shabbat as an important representation of the dependence between God, Israel and the Torah. Two loaves are used to symbolise the double portion that God left for their ancestors so that they wouldnt have to break the mitzvah to not work, looking for food. Shabbat is the only day of the week where a Hallah cover is used to protect the bread and the best cutlery and crockery are used. Candles are an extremely important part of Shabbat, to set it apart from regular days.They are lit various times throughout the day, symbolising peace coming into the house, the creation of the world and the extra brightness that Shabbat brings over other days. The family can spend more time together and with God on Shabbat because they are not distracted by work and school, like the rest of the week. They are also able to spend more time with in the Jewish community because there are special synagogue services that only occur on Shabbat. They meet as a community to pray and worship before God. It is only during the Shabbat service that a weekly portion of the Torah is read. This makes the services on Shabbat extra holy because of the great importance of the Torah to Judaism.It is how God wishes them to live their entire lives. Shabbat even has its own special greeting, different form other days. When greeting or bidding farewell, each Jew will say Shabbat Shalom to express their wishes that everyone has a peaceful and happy Shabbat. The afternoon is made extra sacred by the study of the Torah or spending more time in the synagogue. Shabbat gives them the time to do this and focus on God. As well as having a special welcome, Shabbat is set apart from normal days by its sacred departure. The Havdalah is performed and more prayers are recited. This shows how important and holy the day is because they are sad that the day ha s ended. The ritual involves blessings over wine and spices as well as a candle, and this only happens on Shabbat.For a Jew, each day is holy and important, but there are some days in their lives which are even more important to the individual and their family. These days are so important that they have a special name, each one is known as a rites of passage. The rituals carried out on these days are in addition to the normal mitzvah, making them even more holy than usual.The birth of a Jew, into a family, is an extremely sacred occasions. They believe a child is born completely pure and free from sin and the birth is so holy that extra prayers are said. They believe that every person is a gift from God, so the day must be sanctified by prayer in thanks to God. After a child is born, the father is given the holy honour of aliyah, which is an opportunity to bless the reading of the Torah in the synagogue. This is especially holy because it is the only day when a blessing is recited p urely for the health of the mother and the child.Brit Milah is a much holier day than most because it is one of the most universally observed commandments. It is the circumcision of a male, usually when eight days old. There is more to the ritual than merely the process of removing the foreskin it is very holy because it is a commandment specific to the Jews. The circumcision is a physical sign of the eternal covenant between God and the Jews. It is also a sign that the Jewish people will be perpetuated through the circumcised man. The circumcision is performed on the eighth day of the boys life and is holier than most other rituals because it can only be carried out by an observant, educated Jew called a mohel. This man is religiously equal and it is a very religious ritual, blessed by a rabbi, so that it is completely directed towards God.The Bar and Bat Mitzvah is the next very holy rite of passage in the life of a Jew. Bar Mitzvah means son of the commandment and occurs when th e Jewish boy reaches the age of 13. Bat Mitzvah is the same for girls at age 12. It is very important because it enters them into the covenant relationship with God. When approaching Bar Mitzvah, the boys wear a very sacred prayer shawl and can begin wearing a pair of Tefillin. On this special occasion the relatives recite blessings for the child as they become adults in the religion. During the ceremony, for the first time the child is able to read a portion of the Torah to the congregation, in Hebrew. This brings them closer to God and involves them more in their religion. After this, the father recites baruch shepatarani, in which they thank God for having brought the boy to maturity and declares the boy is now responsible for his own actions. This is very sacred to the father because it is the only time he will recite it for that child.Marriage is an extremely holy occasion in the life of an adult Jew. It is seen as vitally important in Judaism. Refraining from it is not conside red holy. There are many rituals carried out on the day of the ceremony that set it apart in the life of a Jew and bring them much closer to God. The ceremony takes place under a chupah because it can be held up by 4 poles, held by friends or relatives of the couple. This is a very important way of bringing people together before God. The Rabbi reads a section from the psalm as a blessing.This is a sacred way of blessing the couple in the name of the Lord and expresses thanks to God. The bride then circles the groom to symbolise her basic rights for the rest of their marriage food, clothing and sex. A betrothal blessing is said to sanctify the marriage. The groom places the brides ring on her right superpower finger to symbolise her acceptance. The Ketubah is read and signed before God to sanctify and bind the marriage, setting it apart from the betrothal. The ceremony is set apart from most other joyous occasions, by the blessings over wine. This is very sacred, as well as adding to the festivity. Kiddush is recited twice to sanctify the occasion. Fasting on the day of the wedding is a very important part of the holiness because the couple are able to make peace with God before entering the covenant of marriage.In Judaism, life is valued above almost all else to every day is considered holy, but death is not considered a tragedy or any less holy. Death is the last rite of passage, but is still considered very holy because they believe, like our lives, it is all part of Gods plan. Candles are a sacred symbol in Judaism and so they are lit next to the body. The mourner recites a specific blessing, holier than usual blessings, to describe God as the true judge. The mourners have a special meal that is very symbolic and holy. It usually consists of eggs (as a symbol of life) and bread. Death is such a holy occasion for Jews that it has a mourners prayer called Kaddish. This is to reaffirm their faith in God, despite their loss.Holiness and faith is incorporated into every day of their lives, so I agree that every day is holy for them, but the specific festivals and rites of passage are considered much holier days. The sanctity and importance of each of these extra rituals, brings every individual Jew closer to God. The focus of these days is completely spiritual, with none of the usual distractions faced every day.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

‘Poetry’ by Marianne Moore Analysis Essay

In the poem, Moore dissects the meaning and fellow feeling of rime. She tries to make a point of the importance and usefulness of poetry to a person. There is the mention that most people do not take the time to estimate something of they do not understand it. From research on this poet I have discovered that she has a unique writing style that she is referencing in the poem. There are a few images in her poem handle when she writes, Hands that can grasp, eyes that can dilate, hair that can rise Another example of imagery is, elephants pushing, a wild horse taking a roll, a tireless wolf under a tree There are also other poetic elements in this poem as comfortably as images.This poem really contains the main theme of the nature of people. She describes a stereotypical view that people do not take the time to appreciate and understand things. The poem honestly causes me a lot of confusion, which is why I picked it. I do not know how to get a full understanding of anything in this poem, especially things such as themes and allusions so I do not really have anything to say about either of those things so I am going to move on.There is one piece of irony I found in this poem. Her first line, I too dislike it thither are things that are important beyond all this fiddle, is an example of irony in her poem. For she is a poet sharing her negative opinion of poetry, I am assuming.The savour of this poem seems to be slightly melancholy for most of it.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Leadership Communication Essay

While some battalion may assume leaders conversation does not have to be led by an telling communicator. , It is necessity to know that people that withhold leaders positions in organic laws need to have strong efficient chat skills that be successful within the organizations that suite their positions. unexclusive health organizations such as health departments have leadership communicators who initially, address issues that reflect the present and future of the organization to other members and staff. This is a detailed province that needs to ensure a person is a superior communicator (Barrett, 2006). Messages that are given from a leadership perspective reflect values of the organization such as vision, mission, and culture (Barrett, 2006). leadership communicators also focus on consistency expressed by with(predicate) an organizations values in which they egest frequently within the organization. tidy sum that withhold positions in leadership intercourse streng then the values and culture within an organization based on organizational values and the mission of the organization (Barrett, 2006). Leadership without good parley is a setback in many organizations, which is why its desired for anyone in leadership colloquy to have authoritative traits and lineaments. This essay will depict the traits and characteristics needed for success.I chose this as a topic of interest because many people are unaware of what leadership communication is and the things that they should be aiming towards to become a more effective communicator. I felt that if this topic was highlighted from a different perspective it would strengthen the communication and/or introduce people in leadership communications become more effective and beneficial communicators within their organizations. I chose to look at leadership communication from the everyday health leadership aspectof organizations, because it is internal for them to have strong effective communicators . Surely, while again some people may feel leadership communication does not have to be led by an effective communicator. This essay will highlight some key essentials so that its better mum why it is essential that people that withhold positions such as these in leadership have strong effective communication skills within creation leadership positions.Effective communicating Concepts/SkillsWorking in the popular health sector has allowed me to familiarize myself with the communication conceits of effective leadership communication. People that withhold positions in skillful development as public health leaders are required to have very strong communication skills. Leaders require competency-based instruction in order to increase their ability to address complex and changing demands of critical services (Wright, 2000). Anyone that is in a leadership position has to be able to cover clearly and proficiently to diverse types of people. human race health requires individuals in communication leadership to also withhold personal skills of leadership that are essential to the success of public health organizations.People in leadership moldiness master effective communication in order for people around them to have sureness in what they are verbalizing about from a leadership standpoint. Being an effectual leader is easy-established in knowledge and implementation of accurate communication skills (Baack, 2012). Lines of communication must alship canal be open from a leadership standpoint in which the people they are speaking to. Interpersonal influences reflect the way the audience receives the randomness from a leadership standpoint. Communication Process in LeadershipThe communication process in leadership involves interchanging messages between the source and the receiver (Rowitz, 2012). Maintaining a level-headed communication has proven to be effective in productivity. Individuals that withhold positions in communication leadership have to ensure th e proper communication channels are followed and open in order to ensure effective communication in the workplace. In the public health sector communication channels have to be open at all times in which all employees understand how they work within the workplace. There are many different ways in whichcommunication is transmitted within the workplace through leadership communication such as, emails, phones, letters, memos, and face to face meetings. These are very common in public health organizations, due to the increased demand of communication. Leadership communicators look for feedback through all sources of communication that enhances the communication process. The communication processs can either be verbal or non-verbal. Managers need to ensure that no matter which way they communicate that its always effective communication. Important Traits for Leadership Communicators legion(predicate) people are unaware of what traits a person in leadership must poses in order to be a su ccessful and effective communicator. Personal characteristic traits such as the ability to make public speeches, rather its a group or individual communication. Motivation is a very essential characteristic. People in the public health sector have to be very compassionate and motivated about things in which they are speaking, based on the fact the main goal and function is to communicate effectively to the public in which they understand. Can you imagine if someone was trying to persuade you to stop smoking, through a public speech in which they were non- motivated? The speech would not be considered effective and would not pose as an effective outreach to the public. As a person in leadership when reaching out to do health education to the public we have to ensure we are portraying effective leadership skills, in which people generally look for when speaking.Communication skills are very important to ensure effective leadership in communication. When speaking publicly in that loca tion is a lot of diversity that public speakers encounter. The proper traits and skills generally assist in these matters and prove to be effective in meeting the needs of various groups through effective communication. Most successful leaders have these traits and skills needed. Leaders also have to be able to respond appropriately and think quickly. Many times, when public health organizations hire or seek people to speak in leadership positions they ensure that the outlook posses certain traits, characteristics, and skills. They make certain the candidate knows how to communicate with all elements of the organization the public health sector is a major organization with numerous groups of people.Leaders are required to knowhow and when to communicate with everyone within the organization, including employees, other managers, and community leaders. All groups require a different communication style and leadership style in which a person in leadership communication must be able to adapt at any time. Flexibility is an important aspect and is also required for skills that a leader must have. When he/she is delivering a message or presentation to the community it would differ in style compared to speaking to employees or other individuals in leadership.Applying ConceptsBy means of applying the concepts of effective leadership communication to public health organizations and calling ways in which communication can be improved have found ways in which communication from a leadership perspective can be identified and more effective within the community. By applying the organizational communication concept general communication exercises a key component in effective leadership communication. I have found develops that a person that speaks publically through leadership begins to build effective organizational communication is targeted through open dialogue which is developed between management and employees. This shows to be a result of improved engagement and pro ductivity amongst all personnel.ResearchWhen researching leadership communication concepts it allowed me to understand the overall dynamics of an effective leader and the role that they play in the public health sector. When you work in a public health organization you are able to identify and understand what effectiveness is, it makes it easier to identify it within a speaker. When you are able to recognize what skills a person must poses in order to be the most effective as a communicator it makes it a lot easier to improve and evaluate different aspects of communication. I have identified areas in which some people need to improve on as they take roles in leadership communication. If areas that need improvement are highlighted implementations can be made for improvement.The characteristics and traits identified in this essay which surrounds productivity and success screwing an organization that presents effective communication through leadership (Rowitz, 2012) supersedes theamou nt of people that assume people in leadership do not have to poses skills and concepts to be effective communicators. Those who have no knowledge draw incorrect assumptions (Barrett, 2006).This essay has highlighted through my research the knowledge and concepts that some lack when it comes to leadership communication. As Barrett states, Leadership without good communication is a setback in many organizations, which is why its desired for anyone in leadership communication to have certain traits and characteristics.Communication Training ProgramIn the future of building a leadership communication training program I would propose an organizational leadership and communication certificate training program. The program would be designed to teach people internally within the organization the key fundamentals of leadership development and effective communication strategies. The program would be a team building approach in which everyone would benefit successfully. Upon completing the tra ining program which would be primarily 8 weeks each participant would receive a certificate of completion for successfully completing the program. The training would assist in developing leadership skills, as well as teach speaking skills in a presentation/workshop style class dynamic. Individuals would be introduced to ways in which they could improve their leadership skills. By offering trainings employees and leadership communicators will be able to identify and improve their areas of weakness. I have found that trainings improve employee morale making communication more effective ensuring successes in productivity.ConclusionThough my researches I have concluded that people that are in leadership positions as communicators must be effective communicators and have a strong set of skills and characteristics that have been highlighted throughout my thesis. This essay depicted the traits and characteristics needed for success. It is essential that people that withhold positions such as these in leadership have strong effective communication skills within public leadership positions. While some people may still assume leadership communication does not have to be led by an effective communicator, facts prove differently based on success within organizations that recognize circumstantial traits and characteristics needed to succeed in effective communication. The more trainings and improvements that are implemented will ensure that individuals in leadership are well prepared for public speaking within and outside of the community.ReferencesBaack, D. (2012). Management communication. San Diego, CA Bridgepoint Education, Inc. Barrett, Deborah. (2006). Leadership communications. McGraw-Hill Professional, Education, Inc. Garcia, H. F. (2012). Leadership communications Planning for the desired reaction. Strategy & Leadership, 40(6), 42-45. doihttp// Hackman, M. Z., & Johnson, C. E. (2004). Leadership A communication perspective. Long Grove, IL Waveland Press. Hughes, R. L., Ginnett, R. C., & Curphy, G. J. (1996). Leadership. Irwin. Press, N. C. D. (1996). Organizational communication. An Integrated Approach to Communication Theory and Research, 383. Rowitz, L. (2012). Public health leadership. Jones & Bartlett Publishers. Vries, R. E., Bakker-Pieper, A., & Oostenveld, W. (2010). Leadership=Communication? the relations of leaders communication styles with leadership styles, knowledge sharing and leadership outcomes. Journal of Business & Psychology, 25(3), 367-380. doihttp//, K., Rowitz, L., Merkle, A., Reid, W. M., Robinson, G., Herzog, B., & Baker, E. (2000). Competency development in public health leadership. American Journal of Public Health, 90(8), 1202.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Ethics †Current Events Essay

The issue between the United States accusing china of hacking the Pentagons computer network is in a way a violation of the Data Protection Law and world(prenominal) law. For many years the Pentagon has been the subject of cyber intrusion and endeavours to penetrate its most kept self-abnegation data which if this system will be intruded there would be a possible attempt for an international terrorism. Although the intrusion was lonesome(prenominal) discovered recently concord to the US Defense Department it was possible that china has been trying many ways and means to penetrate Pentagons database system.The problem here lies not only to the Peoples Liberation Army which Pentagon was pointing but Chinas Foreign Minister, Jiang Yu is denying the accusations saying his country has no part in the intrusion attempt to the Defense Departments systems. Fortunately, the US defense system is equipped with the most advance military engineering that could detect and tract such intrusio n. The Pentagon enormously considers the Chinese Peoples Liberation Army in staging such hacking although it did not disclose that Beijing which is Chinas seat of socialism is involved here.Although the US Department of Defense confirmed that the existence of such group could be a small group formed out of the PLA, its function is anticipated in trying to get information using technological advances (Starr, Todd and Payne). But it is scarcely obvious that even the most highly advanced technology could not stop an ever changing development of computer viruses, spywares and worms to mutate into a more advance and destructive programs.All of these are man-made and unluckily those populate on the other parts of the world are trying to take advantage and could developed these into more powerful and persistent programs so they stool merge themselves to the existing programs for destructive purposes. Not only the US is grieving about such violation of international law but even capi tal of the United Kingdom as well who holds the same position as a powerful country is confirming such an intrusion.Although at this time China is showing its compliance with the present issues, no one can really tell if this is the result of a shadowing another Cold War between the two gigantic countries. The US cannot in all eliminate espionage on its defense system and has a rich history in violation of its secret information. But what causes other personalities or even countries to have an interest to gather information from the US is still unfathomable to the ordinary people. China with its olden years of co-habiting principles with the old Russia has not totally erased its personality as a communist country.Indeed it has grown in terms of its economy because of the free trade but many believe that this was just superficial because China was trying secretly to be another growing superpower in the making. In terms of manpower and number of armies indeed China has not lost its capability to be an independent country. President Bush still wanted to play it safe and could not directly convict China of such intrusion. After all he is trying to build rapport to avoid another international issue that could destroy relationships between nations.On the contrary, the people in the White House are all aware of this issue and are not sleeping with two eyes closed. Fortunately, the incident only happened on the surface attacking the unrestricted e-mail in the Defense department before it can penetrate the militarys database. The Pentagon had to shut down its unclassified e-mail for a few weeks although it is not networked to military network that contain confidentialities. No harm done so far and Pentagon officials said none of their trading operations were disrupted.Not only has Washington is confirming such an assault from the group but even the Britains Parliament and the Foreign Office has been hacked according to the Associated advertize and Guardian newspa per of London. AP who is keen on making research involving China and international espionage has made a report that the day before the German chancellor Angela Merkels visit to Beijing, the local newspaper Der Spiegel said they found Trojans (spy programs) at the Chancellery computer system.Everybody is not safe even to the extent of breaking laws and bypassing international boundaries. There are only countries that are only moving for their advantage notwithstanding privacy and securities. Indeed, the technology has made a great advancement with great leaps and development. It is only unfortunate that sometimes leaps and bounds are crossing the borders and surmounting other peoples space of confidentiality.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Reality Television Does More Harm Than Good Essay

1. Economy truthfulness TV forms the economyThe Reality TV industry produces a stimulus for the economy. If I pay a world track 1/50 of what Id pay Johnny Depp, my return is going to come back much quicker, said Mark Young, a professor at USCs Marsh exclusively School of Business.Judge, this is obviously a huge good that come out of humans TV. CNN reports that verity TV decreases unemployment rates in the US. C arer Makeover, a new series that promises to tap into the frustrating low points of millions of todays out-of-work and underemployed Americans. The show will give viewers something thats perhaps more telling than the governments eagerly-awaited monthly employment report.harmonize to Washington Post, winning big on a reality video cooking show has helped catapult the careers of even established chefs. As Geoffrey Zakarin, a food network iron chef, stated TV is the gigantic tide that lifts all boatsAdvertising is also a huge factor sinceTens of Millions of people watch reality TV- most know occurs during the show in the snapper of smallbreaks between the show. Heres the twist. Reality TV has advertising inside the show.New York Times-It is typically easier to weave a product into an episode of a reality show like American Idol or subsister than into a scripted series like Greys Anatomy or cardinal and a Half Men. Lets give an example. Lets say there is a family in a reality tv show using a vacuum cleaner. The actors in the reality tv show would compliment the cleanliness of the vacuum cleaner and this is a form of advertising.Oregon State University- 23 million tuned in Multi-Millionaire and 51 million watched the finale of Survivor. This was an advertisers dream. This is why we see advertisers paying $2.1 million for sponsorship on The Mole The initial Survivor sponsors paid $4 million but Survivor 2 price tag jumped to $12 million (Friedman, Harsh Reality, 20004 & Grover, Off the Island, 2000 48). How do the networks benefi t? CBS collected about $52 million in advertising for the initial Survivor (Grover, Off the Island, 2000 48). ABCs Millionaire brought up its operating income by 33% (Lacter, Blair Witch TV, 200064).The impact is that reality TV not only creates jobs and boosts employment rates, but it also boosts the economy and businesses through advertising.2. It helps societyReality TV is an easy way to make money and stimulate the economy. It costs very little to run and It is cheap. It gives oppurtunities for many of the unemployed. As we said in our 1st contention, Career Makeover is giving oppurtunities. We have to take advantage.These shows teach others how to do different things.For example, Yankee Workshop teaches about building and constructing. American Idol and Americas Got talent shows the love of music.The Impact is that If you lose, you got an opportunity and if you win, you win an oppurtunity. According to Martha Airth-Kindree, executive director ofthe Mile Bluff Medical Center Fou ndation, Scores of people have been inspired by The Biggest Loser. The popular reality television show is the inspiration for a new weight-loss program in Juneau CountyAccording to an article written by Dr. Michelle Golland, a mental health professional, she believes that reality tv can be a good thing. As she states in her article, the shows Intervention and Obsessed bring us into the lives of people suffering with mental health problems, drug and alcohol addiction, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Intervention helps treat people who seek help on the show and also pays for their treatment, which many of them may otherwise be unable to afford. It also allows us to witness the damage inflicted on every person in an addicts life and the devastating impact on them. This show can help those who view it to realize they need help, or encourage a family member to stage their own intervention with the help of a professional, which they may never have had the courage to do until watchin g it on TV. Obsessed is a painful display of people who have severe anxieties and are seeking treatment for them.The impact is that Reality TV helps society by helping the economy, teaching different things, inspiration for better health, and showing the world the lives of those with health problems.i accept your definitions and weighing mechanism so i will start with my contentionsContention 1 The sheer number of reality programmes is now brainish TV producers to create filthier, more corrupt reality shows. Reality TV is actually fareting worse as the audience becomes more and more utilise to the genre. In a search for ratings and media coverage, shows are becoming ever more vulgar and offensive, trying to find new ways to shock. When the British Big buddy was struggling for viewers in 2003, its producers responded by attempting to shock the audience that little bit more. Big Brother programmes have also shown men and women having sex on live TV, all in a desperate grab for rat ings to justify their continued existence. Others have involved fights and racist bullying. Do we let things continue until mortal has to die on TV to boost the ratings?Contention 2 Reality TV encourages people to pursue celebrity status, and discourages the value of hard work and an education. Reality shows send a bad mental object and help to create a cult of instant celebrity. They are typically built about shameless self-promotion, found on humiliating others and harming relationships for the entertainment of each other and the viewers at home. These programmes suggest that anyone can become famous just by getting on TV and being themselves, without working hard or having any particular talent. Kids who watch these shows will get the idea that they dont need to assume hard in school, or train hard for a regular job. As John Humphrys points out, we tell kids what matters is being a celebrity and we wonder why some behave the way they do. As American lawyer Lisa Bloom fears, ad diction to celebrity culture is creating a generation of dumbed-down women. Reality shows encourage such addictions and promote the generally misguided belief that they should aspire to be the reality stars they watch on their televisions.Contention 3 Reality shows make for bad, lazy and subvert television, encouraging such behaviour in society. They mostly show ordinary people with no special talents doing very little. If they have to sing or dance, then(prenominal) they do it badly which doesnt make for good entertainment. They rely on humiliation and conflict to create excitement. Joe Millionaire, where a group of women competed for the affections of a construction thespian who they were told was a millionaire, was simply cruel. The emotions of the contestants were considered expendable for the sake of making viewers laugh at their ignorance. Furthermore, the programmes are full of swearing, crying and argument, and often violence, drunkenness and sex. This sends a message t o people that this is normal behaviour and helps to create a crude, selfish society. One American reality show, Are You Hot?, in which competitors submit to a circuit card of judges for appearance-rating, was blamed by eating disorder experts as encouraging the notion that appearance is the most important.Contention 4 Reality TV is for sale it pretends to show reality but itactually distorts the truth to suit the programme makers. The shows are not really real they are carefully cast to get a mix of characters who are not at all typical. Mostly they show a bunch of young, good-looking self-publicists, who will do anything to get on TV. Usually the programme makers try to ensure excitement by picking people who are likely to clash with each other. They then place them in unnatural situations, such as the Big Brother house or the Survivor island, and give them strange challenges in order to provoke them into behaving oddly. In The Bachelor, where a group of women compete for the a ffections of an eligible male, the intimate dates they go on are filmed in front of any number of camera that is not reality (Poniewozik, 2003). Finally the makers film their victims for hundreds of hours from all angles, but only show the most dramatic parts. Selective editing may be used to create storylines and so further manipulate the truth of what happened.