Monday, April 29, 2019

Stats Report Statistics Project Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Stats Report - Statistics Project ExampleBar and report trend graphs were drawn to show the temperature relationships between the two stations. From the results, it was concluded that the mean maximum temperature showed a falling trend for the two stations. Similarly, the average lower limit temperature for the months under investigation equally showed a declining trend. In conclusion, therefore, funds Coast station is warmer relative to Toowoomba Airport based on both the maximum and minimum average temperatures measured.Statistics is a branch of mathematics dealing with collecting, analyzing, summarizing, interpreting and making inferences give meaningful reading about a population or a sample. Statistical methods not only summarize outgoing data through such indicators as the measures of central tendency and measures of dispersion, but they can also assure future events using frequency distribution functions. Statistics provides ways to design efficient and convenient experi ments that eliminate long trial and error. For example, among the various applications of statistics include Double-blind tests for opinion polls, aptitude and intelligence tests, medical, biological, and industrial experiments which apply statistical methods and theories to crap useful inferences. Statistics has a wide application in our daily lives.To illustrate how statistics can be a powerful tool Lorentzen analyzed sea temperature data sampled at Station-M in the Norwegian Sea (Lorentzen, 2014). In this have, the data covered the period between 19482010. In this research, descriptive statistics showed that the temperature level had been on a unequivocal trend since the beginning of the 1980s that was also measured in most of the oceans in the North Atlantic. Furthermore, the study showed that the temperature series are co-integrated which meant they shared the same long-term stochastic trend, and they did not diverge too far from each other. The calculated long-term tempera ture increase is one of the factors

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