Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Compensation and Labor Relations Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Compensation and Labor Relations - Assignment ExampleNotably, useful collective bar light uponing improves labour relations.The most common draw neares to negociate are the traditional or adversarial approach and integrative or win-win bargaining (Sharp 98). The process of collective bargaining has perpetually been adversarial in nature and this has al slipway caused rifts in the organizational decision making process. In this approach to bargaining, both parties involves, usually the union and the worry, put their own agenda and have no idea of each others problems. It is a put across and take approach to negotiation where one sides loss is a nonher sides gain(Carly 198).Another way in which labour relations and collective bargaining can be carried erupt is through integrative approach. Integrative approach strives for mutual understanding and it concentrates more on the goals and concerns common to both parties. Here, both parties clearly understand the issues and solve the problems jointly and as a result, both of them will gain mutually as there will be equitable solution. Integrative bargaining aims at creating solutions that satisfies the inevitably of both parties (Carly 198). It demands that each side be aware of the issues affecting the other side. The labour union and the management provide a list explaining their needs and so the discussion is based on the possible ways to meet those needs in manner acceptable and beneficial to both parties. This approach to collective bargaining is very positive and it is commonly used in many modern union-management contracts.Many workers are not satisfied with their cheats and in most cases it is because of low wages. Notably, workers who are dissatisfied with their pay do leave their job for better opportunities. Dissatisfied workers exhibit withdrawal behaviours such as lateness, absenteeism and finally quitting their jobs. Quitting and seeking job in other factories that pay better is the most

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