Friday, May 15, 2020

War in the Modern World Essay - 1161 Words

War in the Modern World War has fascinated the minds of the greats throughout history. Its concepts and understandings have been passed on to us through the few surviving works of those, whose lives were touched by war, in an ancient archive. Some saw war as an ordinary, inevitable phenomenon that has a place among natural order of human lives (Jacob Walter), while others interpreted it as devastating and terrible deviation from the natural order of things (W.T. Sherman). Over the course of our archival readings we have learned of war through the records from the Trojans in their leather sandals (Hector), the horsemen of Shermans brigades, the WWI soldiers with their new gas shells and machine guns, and eventually through the eyes†¦show more content†¦The fact of the matter is that both are right in their unique ways, they simply live in different realms and have different eyes that see war differently. They may both be right, only from their respective positions. War can bring the best in peo ple, as well as the worst, it is the ultimate test oh human morality, and at the same time war shapes its own morality into human structure. That is why I conclude, agreeing with TimObrian, that standard poles of morality, as represented by good or evil, are inadequate when trying to analyze war. They simply act as answers to the question of people in one realm, and can never satisfy the inhabitants of both. But because we only have one physical world which citizens of both realms must share, the controversy and thus the irony associated with war will continue. Looking at this small sample of archival history we notice the consistency of war throughout it. Viewed as a sample of history, it allows us to reason that war was a part of human history from the beginning. It has always existed on Earth, be it wrong or right, moral or pointless, but it appears to be always necessary. It seems that humans can not live without war. Some of the stories we read of war are shocking. The y portray drastic changes in people, bringing the primal instincts out in them. At times some solider seem act and, more importantly, reason in a mannerShow MoreRelatedWorld War II : A Modern World Power1154 Words   |  5 Pages As World War II came to an end, the United States began emerging as a modern world power. The road to becoming a new world power was long and plentiful. After numerous years of fighting in World War II, years of backing breaking work and dedication, our nation arose as a world superpower. With this superpower, the U.S. would prove its dedication to its people, its help for other countries, and its demand for peace. Once America gained the status of power, many challenges and opportunities wereRead MoreThe World War And Its Effects On Modern Society852 Words   |  4 Pagesthese same consequences still affect the modern world. 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