Monday, October 21, 2019

The virginian Essays

The virginian Essays The virginian Essay The virginian Essay The Virginian by Owen Wister is a series of connected vignettes that chronicle events in Wyoming centered on a young man from Virginia, the protagonist. The Virginian proved that he was brave when he pulled the trigger of his rifle so closely by another man. Throughout his work and life, the Virginian demonstrated that his is a diligent man. Through his good deeds to others, he properly displays the characteristic of a dependable person. The Virginian has grown throughout the story to be a brave, diligent in his work, and dependable young man. The Virginian was a strong man; he exhibited the character traits of a brave man. The Virginian clearly showed that he was brave while at a gambling table. One of the gamblers was angry and insulted the Virginian; He quickly drew out his gun and demanded a smile of the man that had insulted him. The Virginian is then told that only cowards are dangerous when they draw their weapons by the dealer. He replies back by saying, I wouldnt worry for a brave man, your life is safe. Cowards always shoot before its necessary. While he was cleaning his rifle, the Virginian speaks to The Easterner than without warning fires a shot close enough to upset the Easterner for the Virginians egligence concerning his rifle handling. Later he points out that if hadnt fired his rifle the snake now lying dead by The Easterner would have caused its own set of problems. The Virginian does not choose to leave town when his reputation is at stake, moreover, He would rather face Trampas and defend his honor than leave town and be viewed as a coward. By these examples of bravery, The Virginian establishes his courage to everyone. Through out his work, the Virginian displayed that he was a diligent man. Several times throughout the book, he is offered the chance to run down his enemy, Trampas, ehind his back, but each time he refuses the temptation. It is made clear that he will not use his official position as foreman to crush any of the lower workers. Even when he had to hang his best friend, he still did so out of Justice for the crimes Steve had committed in his cattle rustling. Even though molly was against him harming Trampas, the Virginian had to perform his duty to the law. The Virginian proved to be a diligent man throughout his examples of his work. By performing good deeds, the Virginian proved that he is a dependable person. As the narrator starts out as a greenhorn under the protection of the Virginian, but n his frequent visits to the region over the course of the years the novel encompasses, he becomes accomplished in his own right in hunting and fishing anyway. The Virginian was one to Judges most trustworthy man that he had on the ranch. The Judge praised his dealings with the potential mutineers on the Virginians job in retrieving cattle. These examples of his good works prove that the Virginian was a dependable person because it shows that he can complete his task. As the story progresses, the Virginian has become braver, dependable, and diligent in both his work and in character. When he is given the chose to either run away or face his doom against Trampas, The Virginian chooses to face him because he does not want to be known as a coward. All through the story, he chose to not attack Trampas from taking care of the narrator from the beginning to the end of the story, he demonstrates that The Virginian is a dependable young man. The Virginian symbolizes the Wests initial resistance to the taming forces of the East and its inevitable surrender. Wister, Owen. The Virginian A horseman of the Plains. Mineola, New York: Dover Publications, Inc. , 2006.

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