Thursday, September 12, 2019

Global Media & Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Global Media & Communication - Essay Example The information presented entails complete and reliable information, but the directive of the independence press states that information presented to the general public should be factual, and obtained through methodical investigation (Sarikakis, 2004, p. 90). According to Barnhurst & Nerone (2002, p. 67), the theory maintains certain limits of free media, but also puts some restrictions on what is presented to the media. For instance, in India, the press has certain obligations to the public, and they must show truth and accuracy in any information they present. The media is free, but regulated by the government. On the other hand, the Chinese administration has always kept rules on traditional and the current media rules to protect its government political wishes through the use of watchdogs. The watchdog units ensure that these principles entail strict rules placed on the media that are used to control them. They even punish the media houses that break the rules by either jailing t hem or shutting down the entire publication firm and their websites. 1.2 The relation between economic, technological and political order on the globe to communication Society economy and technology are highly linked through communication. Internet, mobile phone services and satellite broadcasting services influence economic technological developments. With the increase in globalization, the economic technological and political developments have taken a positive outlook (Ferree, et al., 2002, p. 44). Globalization is also a requirement and driving force for all other types of communication. Several technological developments have improved the communication process, and this development in turn affects the press (Levira, 2004, p. 13). Technology like video communication through the internet has made communication essay and simple (Ferree, et al., 2002, p. 44). For instance in China, the types of communication in a country is determined by the country’s political ideology. The established controlling ideas have developed through different states without the citizens noticing and deliberating on their development. The authority of a neoliberal position in themes presented in mass media and the rise of the authoritarianism of the financial leaders, the increase of free communication principles, but also a commercial approach in broadcasting of information to the abandoned views of workforces is a characteristic of China media (Barnhurst & Nerone 2002, p.89). Similarly, through globalization in India, technology has assisted the government in improving its economy. This improved economy has improved the ways of life for the masses. In India, globalization has influenced technology development where it has shifted the pattern of its economy. In economic terms, technology influences the forms of production, asset and employment. It also changes the activities taking place within a company. This is because through improved challenges of communication, Indiansâ €™ business process has improved thus improving its economic activities (Rajagopal, 2012, pp.1). Mass media in India is also seen to be influencing globalization. This was achieved using several media channels like televisions, music, and new technological developments. The international flow of information has highly been

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