Wednesday, July 17, 2019

A Critical Analysis of the Communist Manifesto

The communistic manifesto was written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels which contained t disclose ensemble of the ideas and assumptions by Marx. The communist Manifesto was adequate to inspire a number of philosophers and theorists.And as it was published at the height of the policy-making turmoil in Europe, it as well served as an engine for many revolutions that took place inwardly the past century. Hence, following the publication of the commie Manifesto, it inspired a number of revolutions to profane the rise of Capitalism, particularly in Russia and china (The commie Manifesto, n.p).The writings by Marx and Engels which constitute the main tenets in the communist Manifesto influenced revolutions not by just mere agitation through with(predicate) writing sort of they fueled revolutionary groups by confronting the capitalistic forces through the forces of the p divisiontariats. They discovered the special role of the proletariats, who they believed were capable of supplanting the capitalist physical body (The Communist Manifesto, n.p).The Communist Manifesto is centered on the idea of class get by and continue antagonisms in the hostelry. This according to the Manifesto, class struggle revolves between the bourgeoisie and the proletarians the oppressor and the oppressed the few and many. Hence, the Manifesto predicts the probable ways of eliminating onerousness by abolishing the basic factors that instigate heaviness example private property which shall in the end lead towards overthrowing the bourgeosie (The Communist Manifesto, n.p).In accordance with this pursuit, Marx drafted the Communist Manifesto guided by historical Dialectical Materialism in state to point out the problems that had been consuming the hostel. development this guide, he predicted the changes that could happen in the society as the mode of production changes gradually.And these changes shall frame the engine for a revolutionary overthrow of the current d ominating class. And as capitalist economy will reach its peak, it will belong saturated and will eventually make full its demise under the leadership of the proletariats.The pursuit of a Stateless SocietyConsequently, Marx noted predictions on several factors that will help inning a homeless society. This includes (1) enforcement of forward assessation. (2) abolishment of inheritance, (3) equalization of wages and (4) the communal appropriation of lands. With these things in mind, Marx pictured a roofless society wherein antagonisms among classes force out be root outd.However, thither be various sides that be to be looked upon if the society should be changed. There argon specific levels wherein a country should get laid with in raise to effectively agree out these courses of changes which send word locate to be beneficial for the citizens.Different countries whitethorn react on real circumstances if things argon to be imposed on them. And there should be clar ity of the possible outcomes that it may bring. In particular, communist countries had deteriorated and has broken down in the last decades.None of the communist countries fetch preserve its staying power, in particular, China and Russia. And for the case of Cuba, their cosmos in the communist realm has served as an example to no one.For the Communists, especially for Marx, a stateless society meant the establishment of a classless society and allow foring rough-cut ownership of all the means of productions. It also entails equitable distribution of income among the citizens. However, it requires a number of processes and cycles that ar to be undertaken in order to achieve it. Consequently, the factors mentioned above are the firsts on the list in attaining a classless society.As such, though these factors that Marx mentioned in the Manifesto may contribute greatly towards the attainment of a stateless society, they may have banish implications in the society.There are st ill downsides that are attributable with these steps that may have direct effect in the development and development of the society, and also lies the possibility that it may serve detrimental outcomes for them. Thus, these policies should be hit the books to assess their reason business leader and soundness if they can be beneficial to the peck in general.Thesis and ArgumentThe persona of this paper would be to carefully analyze the contents of the Manifesto, in particular, the four prises that Marx proposed towards attaining a stateless society. Thus, the thesis of this paper is to prove that there are adversaries that may be caused if those measures will be employed. And that the reasonability of each measure depends on the possible outcomes that may be derived from it.Hence, the arguments revolve on three parallel of latitude ideas (1) these measures if employed, though may speed up the process of attaining a stateless society, may also impede social, political and sparing growth (2) ironically, though a stateless society aims towards eliminating class antagonisms, these four measures mentioned.Considerably increases the orifice between the proletariats and the bourgeosie by the intentional leave out of the bourgeosie class and (3) given the altruistic relish from the Manifesto to eradicate poverty, the ideals presented through these measures were genuinely idealistic and utopian, hence may render these inappropriate and not feasible for near of the countries.Progressive TaxationProgressive appraise revenue is one of the twelve measures that collectivism intended to enforce. Progressive taxation is a system wherein tax rates are imposed based on the frugal status and well-being of the person to be taxed. The tax rates are identify according to the ability of an individual to pay. In essence, if a person earns big, then he will be subjected to higher tax rates the same way that a person who earns little will be taxed according to his capacity to pay (Lakoff and Budner, n.p).For the advocates of Communism, progresive taxation can provide redistribution of capital, which they believe can further hasten the process of eliminating class struggle. Through this, it is believed that redistributing the tax consignment towards the people who can afford to pay can stabilize the flow of capital, and the economy in return. In addition, progresive taxation also serves as a monitoring device to spring acquisition of private property.Further more(prenominal), progresive taxation eases the burden for those who cannot pay enabling them to allot a larger portion of their income for their familys basic needs. Thus, progressive taxation for the Communists render individuals to have a more equitable outcome so that they can make the most out of the fruits of their labor (Capitalism, Socialism & Communism, n.p).Although there are certain benefits that are attainable through progressive taxation, likewise there are downsides of it. There are individuals who consider this kind of tax policy as prejudiced and inefficient.Progressive taxation is discriminatory in such away that the people who work harder gets more compelled on paying higher taxes plot those who do not work and deform enough are being subjected to observe government subsidies and privileges.In addition, it caters inefficiency in the way taxes are being imposed on individuals, spell tolerating income misappropriation bundled by the States deliberate stay which is then translated in the citizens fear of crossing over the edges between democracy and dictatorship. (Few oral communication on the Nature of Taxation. n.p).Thus, as progressive taxation can indeed eliminate class struggle and enhance the ability to create a stateless society through equitable sharing of tax obligations, it also harnesses the biased nature of the Communist government in their inclination towards the poor. though it is rational and reasonable to impose taxes on individuals wh o have higher capacity to pay, certain considerations are also ought to be given.

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