Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Agriculture and Technology Essay

I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings 1) Summary of Character Traits a) School smart (Maya is smart. When she moves to San Francisco from Stamps, Arkansas, she is skipped a grade. b) Caring sister (she always talks of her devotion to Baily) c) Determined (she wants to get a Job with the streetcar company and she keeps bugging them until they finally give her a Job) d) Proud (she lives with the Junkyard kids instead of going back to her father’s; she slaps Dolores for calling her mother a whore) 2) Appearance a) African American, tall, skinny, small and squinty eyes, big feet, large ap between her front teeth, black hair 3) What The Character Wants a) Maya wants, ultimately, for her family to be happy. She wants the segregation of blacks to end (she is disgusted when young white girls call her grandmother by her first name). 4) How the Character Changes a) After being raped, Maya stops talking as much b) After spending time living in the Junkyard, Maya learns tolerance, which will help her through out her life. She matures from a young girl to a mother, as well. c) Becomes more mature once she gets her Job with the street ars 5) Key Statements About the Character a) â€Å"Ritie, dont worry Ocause you ain’t pretty. Plenty of pretty women I seen digging ditches or worse. You smart. I swear to God, I rather you have a good mind than a cute behind. † (p. 56) b) â€Å"In those moments I decided that although Baily loved me he couldn’t help. 0 1 knew that because I loved him so much I could never hurt him† (p. 73) 6) Key Actions a) Father comes to Stamps and takes them to their mother b) Moves back to Stamps, then to SF c) Drives home from Mexico d) Slaps Dolores br;  e) Stays with the Junkyard people f) Gets pregnant 7) What Others Think Of the Character a) When they are younger, Baily really looks out for Maya. As they grow up, and after she spends time with her father, they drift apart. b) Her grandmother loves Maya very much, and knows that she is a very smart girl with a lot of potential. c) Her mother seems to care much more about her than her father did. Thesis Statement: Maya Angelou faces many hardships, yet manages to overcome them all, in her autobiography, â€Å"l Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. br>Maya Angelou faces many hardships, yet manages to overcome them all, in her autobiography, â€Å"l Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. Maya is a strong willed, often stubborn, outgoing, somewhat outspoken, and rather intelligent girl. She becomes very tolerant due to some of her experiences. She also matures faster mentally than many other girls her age because of her situation and experiences. From the time she was young and through adolescence, Maya considered herself ugly. She was a tall, somewhat lanky African American. She was skinny, and felt that her eyes were too small and squinty. She was also ashamed of her large feet. r; Throughout the story, Maya is discouraged by the segregation of the blacks. For a long time she is denied the Job that she wishes to have because of the color of her skin. Also, she wants her family to be together and to be happy. She is separated from her parents at a young age and lives with her grandmother and uncle for most of her childhood. When she is with her parents, she tends to feel secondary. There is always something a touch more important that she and her brother Baily. autobiography, â€Å"l Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. When the book begins, Angelou is a young child, a mere three years old. As she grows up, though somewhat sheltered by her grandmother’s position as a general store owner, her eyes are opened to the current ways of the South. Blacks are lesser people that whites, and that was the way it was for her. On several occasions she watched in horror as young girls called her grandmother by her first name, when they should have been respectful and at lease used â€Å"Miss†. Once breaking the segregation barrier for herself, she gets a Job with the Streetcar Company. Having a Job, and the responsibility that comes with it, she mentally matures faster than the other children her age. While living with her mother he first time, Maya is molested by her mother’s boyfriend. After this, she becomes almost completely silent. She avoids talking as much as possible, which is a contrast to her previous behavior. Maya spends time living with other children in a Junkyard after her father asks her to leave. He asks her to leave because she and his girlfriend, Dolores, get into a fght and Dolores hurts Maya. After spending time with those children, she learns tolerance and matures more. Also, after becoming pregnant and realizing that she is responsible for another human life, she matures even more and becomes more responsible. br>Maya and her brother Baily were very close during their childhood and most of their adolescence. Baily was always proud of Maya for her intelligence, even though at times she wished she could have forfeited it for good looks. Baily expresses his pride by saying, â€Å"[Maya], don’t worry Ocause you ain’t pretty. Plenty of pretty women I mind than cute behind. (p. 56) After being raped, Maya wishes to protect her brother. She doesn’t want anything to happen to him because, according to her, she isn’t as good of a person as she should be. Through out her life

Early Childhood Curriculum Essay

One of the goals of preschool education is to improve children’s school success. Early childhood educators need to enhance a child’s developmental skills and knowledge. We are to build upon their ever growing need of curiosity and creativity. Without knowing what, why, and how to developmentally teach preschool children in an early childhood environment teachers will not have a great impact on the knowledge children will gain and retain in this environment. Children are eager to learn and acquire new life changing skills. The text (2008) emphasizes the importance of a child-centered curriculum that encompasses the whole child- physical, social, emotional, creative, and cognitive. Teachers practical knowledge of how and what to teach children is not taught in school. Teachers receive and understand the theoretical knowledge of children learning but they are unable to blend the theories with practical applications appropriate for young children. There are many preschool classrooms with qualified teachers but they do not understand the steps needed to provide a curriculum that is age and developmentally appropriate. Most teachers have the book knowledge but their hands on and one on one skills are lacking when it comes to implementing activities to stimulate and excite children in learning. Kostelnik states that, â€Å"Teachers who lack adequate knowledge in any of these areas are hampered in their attempts to create developmentally appropriate programs for young children. The areas are: the fundamental components of early literacy and numeracy; how children experience literacy and mathematical concepts in their play; what teachers can do intentionally to support literacy and numeracy in all areas of the curriculum throughout the day†. Teachers must know and understand a child’s developmental needs and how to develop ways to meet these needs. Early childhood education recommends that programs utilize Developmentally Appropriate Practices. It is vital that young children have a curriculum that provides learning goals and guidance for teachers to develop activities and interactions. The National Association for the Education of Young Children approved the Early Childhood Standards and Accreditation Performance Standards and Accreditation Performance Criteria in 2005. These standards guide programs in a variety of areas including the curriculum (pp.232-233). †¢ Children have varied opportunities to be read books and to be read to in individualized ways. †¢ Children have activities that allow them to become familiar with print. †¢ Children are given opportunities to recognize and write letters, words, and sentences as they are ready. †¢ Books are displayed and writing is encouraged in one or more areas of the classroom. Curriculum development should focus on promoting learning and development in the areas of social, emotional, physical, language, and cognitive growth (NAEYC Program Standards). There should be themes that are hands on and developmentally appropriate. Activities should include: art, math, science, social, studies, reading, and creativity. Classroom s should be filled with laughter and excitement. Hands on learning should take place, stories should be told, and play encouraged. Play is child’s work and when they enjoy what they are doing, then, they are more apt to learn, discover, and investigate their surroundings and environment. So how do we know that play is child’s work? This question and many more are answered when we look at research and theories of education. Theories are the foundation for which teachers choose to teach from. Theories help guide teachers in understanding the reason why they set up their classrooms and for carrying out the lessons they teach children on a daily basis. Theories teach us that relationships are the foundation for learning. We need to have relationship with the children we teach and with families of the children we provide a program for. Theories teach us that children learn through play and that they learn when they interact with their peers and their environment. There are many theories of learning to use to decide what type of curricula to use  Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ Vygotsky’s Constructivist theory- puts the learner in the center and believes that teachers should provide experiences that link prior knowledge to what they are studying. The constructivist teacher organizes the classroom with children’s stages of development in mind. Children learn when they collaborate with others, discussion and talking about the how and why of things. †¢ Piaget’s Four Stages of Cognitive Development- learning is viewed as active, constructive process in which students seek organization and meaning in their worlds. †¢ Abraham Maslow focused on human potential and proposed that all persons strive to reach the highest within them. His theory also asserts that children learn best when their physical needs are met and they feel a sense of psychological safety and security. †¢ B. F. Skinner Behaviorist Theory emphasizes the roles of environmental conditions and overt behaviors in learning. Children learn through the effects of their own intentional responses. Consequences will determine whether a person will repeat a particular behavior that led to the consequences. Our theorists teach us that as children play they are learning about themselves, other people, and the world. As the text (2008) states, learning and development in the early years are critical to the child’s long term well-being. This theoretical base in early childhood education guides and provides a framework of understanding for how children learn. The text also states that, theoretically, there is widespread acceptance of the idea that play is important- that it is the serious business for the young child. Elkind reviewed a variety of theories that support the role of children’s play, including Montessori, Freud, Piaget, and Vygotsky. By taking these theories and putting them into perspective we provide ways to meet the differences and developing needs that children have. For children to excel and have success in school we have to address all areas of their development. Research has shown us that it is during these times of play that a child’s brain is affected. Connections are made as a child repeatedly does the same types of activities. If these connections are not made or used they will eventually disappear. Our text (2008) states that, â€Å"Play is a time where children needs are met. Good play experiences unite and blend all aspects of development, reaping social, emotional, physical, intellectual, moral, creative, and cultural benefits for young children. † As children engage in play in the early childhood classroom they are learning and growing developmentally. Age appropriate activities are provided for them. Vanderwater says that, â€Å"Play is simply shorthand for our capacity for curiosity, imagination, and fantasy — our creative dispositions. † In order for children benefit from play a curriculum is needed to meet their needs. It is important for young preschool children to have a curriculum that includes planned environments and activities in the classroom, such as music and creative movement, dramatic play, singing, and creative art. Planned and unplanned spontaneous learning should take place everyday. We know that children are unique and different therefore they all learn differently. With this knowledge we have to teach the whole child. This includes teaching social-emotional, physical, cognitive, and language development to preschoolers. Preschool curriculum models vary widely. Some may detail exactly what to teach and how to teach it with step by step instructions. Others on the other hand leave room for teacher ideas and input. Then there are some that provide guidance in developing activities and interactions that are crucial to social development. When choosing curricula, programs need to take into account children’s ages, needs, behavior, language and cultural backgrounds. The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) and the National Association of Early Childhood Specialist in State Departments of Education (NAECS/SDE) therefore advise the following: â€Å"Curriculum is more than a collection of enjoyable activities. Curriculum is a complex idea containing multiple components such as goals, content, pedagogy, or instructional practices. Curriculum is influenced by many factors including society’s values, content standards, account ability systems, research findings, community expectations, culture and language, and individual children’s characteristics. † The early childhood (preschool) classroom has a need for a developmentally appropriate curriculum. Designing a curriculum gives teachers the opportunity to come together and brainstorm on what is needed to meet the needs of individual children. Dodge states, â€Å"When teachers build curriculum with each other and with the children and are willing to really listen to each other and to the children’s ideas, and really value them, there is a very different kind of relationship being established and a climate of mutual trust is formed. She also shares that, the nature of this relationship between teachers and children and parents would be very different in our opinion, if the teacher’s plan were already written and all the planning spaces filled in, and all the outcomes predetermined and articulated ahead of time. Relationships again are the foundation that is needed in the early childhood classroom. Society has put a lot of pressure on early childhood programs to produce results. Kostelnik states that, kindergarten teachers report that one out of three children begin formal schooling lacking the basic experiences they need to succeed. Because of this, programs make decisions each day about the type of curriculum to use. They see the importance of early learning experiences that will build a firm foundation for learning and development later on in life. There are many types of curriculum in our society today. The two most commonly used in the Unites States according to Dodge are: The Creative Curriculum and High/Scope. In addition to these many directors used a variety of models and resources to supplement their planning. These include the Project Approach, Reggio Emilia, Montessori, and what several called â€Å"emergent curriculum†. There is evidence that high quality early childhood programs can and do make a difference in children’s development. Children can develop the skills they need as they participate in child care and other early learning programs from birth to age eight. Kostelnik states that children need to know the fundamental components of early literacy and numeracy for literacy involves listening, viewing, speaking, writing, and reading. Some of the numeracy components are: understanding number, how people represent number, the relations among numbers, and number systems, using mathematical tools, and recognizing, describing, and extending patterns. Literacy and numeracy can be displayed in the classroom when the dramatic play area has been transformed into a hairdressing shop. The children can create signs that say haircuts, shampoo, curlers, and perms. The children can also include prices on the signs. The children can move in and out of this area taking turns as customers, receptionist, haircutters, and cashiers. They will pretend cutting hair, giving permanents, making appointments, writing out receipts, using the play cash register, and making change. Literacy and numeracy is also seen in the block center as children make signs and count trucks, in the writing center as children write in their journals and in the art center as children draw and create pictures of their choice. Kostelnik tells us that, skilled teachers intentionally create opportunities for children to become engaged in varied literacy and numeracy experiences every day. Developmentally appropriate activities do not happen by chance, they have to be planned out. Children are looking for direction and opportunities to investigate. Teachers are being provided with training and professional development on how to teach, what to teach and why they need to follow a curriculum. As teachers gain the skills they need they begin to understand the developmental need s of children. They create opportunities for learning through play and they advocate for the needed changes in the system. As curriculum choices are being made and teachers are trained in how to implement the curriculum children are excelling. In an early childhood classroom teachers are better equipped and have a greater impact on what, why and how to teach children in a developmentally appropriate way. References: Eliason, C. F. , Jenkins, L. (2008). A Practical Guide to Early Childhood Curriculum (8th ed. ). New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc. Dodge, D. (2004). Early Childhood Curriculum Models Why, What and the How Programs Use Them. Retrieved from the Exchange magazine. www. ChildCareExchange. com Kostelnik. M (2008). Academics in Early Childhood. Retrieved from the Exchange magazine. www. ChildCareExchange. com. National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) and the National Association of Early Childhood Specialists in State Departments of Education (NAECS/SDE). (2003). Joint position statement on early childhood curriculum, assessment, and program evaluation building an effective, accountable system in programs for children birth through age 8. Washington, DC: NAEYC, p. 6 Vanderwater, E. A. , Rideoout, V. J. , Wartella, E. A. , Huang, X. , Lee, J. H. , Shim, M. S. (2007). â€Å"Digital Childhood: Electronic Media and Technology Use Among Infants, Toddlers and Preschoolers. † Pediatrics 119(5): e1006-e1015 [pic].

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Human nature Essay

Human nature has always emphasized on achieving more. As the history prevail the first ever invention of human was a wheel, and ever since the development of wheel, the mankind has always been in a continuous strive to achieve more. Information is an integral part of human life and the technology has always played an eminent role to increase the lifestyle and living standards of mankind. Communication has always been the core point of interest for people and this is one aspect where the research will continue to eternity. (Rhoton, 2001) Samuel Morse who is considered as one of the pioneer of communication through the development of telegraph was able to give birth to the term information technology. The information technology is totally dependent upon research. Up till now billions of dollars have been spent on the research of communication and information technology. The profound period that affected the development of IT was development of ENIAC computer in the era of 1950s. (O’Brien, 2008) Through the development of ENIAC large amount of calculations were easily completed by the machine and it was used as multipurpose machine for calculations and programming. The speed and flexibility was very high due to which it made a huge impact in World War II. After the development of ENIAC computers were developed in a similar pattern. The need was recognized by different people and researches were conducted to develop such a machine that could automate some difficult processes. (Rappaport , 2002) The development of computers to cell phones to laptops, all were pretty much predictable as they were developed in the need of the hour. The progress of technology has always been a progress of speed and memory, but now in the modern era the three factors that are very important in the technology research are speed, memory and portability. In the future we can assume that we will witness more speed in machines, with high memory storage and high level of portability. References O’Brien, J. (2008) Managment Information Systems (pp. 239) Rappaport, Theodore (2002). Wireless Communications: Principles and Practice. Prentice Hall. Rhoton, John (2001). The Wireless Internet Explained. Digital Press.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Submit a report to the Directors of USPS diagnosing the state of Assignment

Submit a report to the Directors of USPS diagnosing the state of affairs and offering some prognosis on what might be a more sustainable business model - Assignment Example proud tradition in which the roots of the agency can be traced back to 1775 when the agency was formed for providing postal services on the pre independence era of America. Currently, the USPS is the largest Federal and civilian employer in the country with more than 600,000 direct and on direct employees working for the organization. The contribution and impacts of the USPS can be prominently noted in the society of America. However, in the current times, the USPS as an organization is facing a number of challenges and is showing declining revenues and financial performances at the end of every financial year. Thus, the threat of solvency for the agency has been raised which makes it necessary to analyze the root cause of the depleting competitiveness and efficiency of the organization and to find out ways in which the sustainability of the organization as a value adding agency in the country can be ensured. This report is prepared with the aim of identifying the main reasons that have driven the current low performing state of the USPS and suggesting suitable recommendations and strategies that may enable the agency to regain its position in the market. For this purpose, the product market conditions, the capital market conditions, the external environment of the agency and the challenges faced by the agency are evaluated along with a comparison drawn to another very successful postal agency, the Royal Mail Services in the United Kingdom. The unique feature of the legal and regulatory environment in which the USPS operates is also studied in the report. The strategic business model of the USPS is analyzed and the ways in which modifications can be made to the business model to negate the challenges for the agency are proposed. The business model of any organization or agency comprises of the financial and corporate strategies, philosophies of the organization and the resources and capabilities of the organization. The ways in which a company competes and

Sunday, July 28, 2019

International Business Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

International Business Assignment - Essay Example Company also became an online store in February 2005 with Now it has become all the more convenient to purchase performance runners, lifestyle footwear and apparel, gym equipment, yoga clothes, junior wear, licensed jerseys, specialized team and individual sport equipment, camping and outdoor gear and such items just at the click of a mouse. The latest financial figures of company (sales revenue for the nine months ended 1 April 2006) indicate an increase in sales revenue by 14.5% to $272.9 million compared to nine months ended 2 April 2005. Company hopes to cash-in on the Soccer mania and is looking forward to the period of April - June 2006 when the Soccer World Cup begins in Germany. Rebel Sport is associated with some major sporting bodies like National Rugby League (NRL), Cricket Australia, and Soccer NS around Australia. Company has also developed two sponsorship programs MVP and Rebel Sport Rookies to assist both sporting clubs/schools and individuals. In order to fulfill its commitment towards the society, company supports some charities as well. Starlight Foundation, The Day of Difference Foundation, Jeans for Genes (an initiative of The Children's Medical Research Institute of Australia-CMRI) are some of the charity organizations being benefited by this Philanthropy. New avenueNew avenues for business are explored when environment demands increase in pace of activity. Strategists feel more satisfied and comfortable with the prospects of growth from expansion and once the company feels secure and experienced enough on the home-ground it can very well start thinking about crossing the borders and entering the fiercely competitive international arena. It can very well be said that online retail counter can cater to anybody around the globe but for the brand to be recognized and developing 'brand loyalty' physical presence in different markets is a must. Rebel Sports has an experience of more than 20 years in this field so it can very well plan a strategy for opening stores in other countries as well. Today, rules of business success have changed. Innovation and the art of mastering the technological edge have emerged as the new competitive advantages. Information technology and improvements in global telecommunications are giving international firm s more flexibility to shape their global strategies. Rebel sports made good use of the information age by starting online training of its staff and thus channeling the inherent creative talents of all individuals in the right direction, a recipe for success. Now the moot question is 'which strategy to opt for, while entering the International arena. In general the strategies could be categorized as; 1. A multi domestic strategy 2. A global or international strategy 3. A transnational strategy A multi domestic strategy enables individual subsidiaries of a multinational firm to compete independently in different domestic markets. The multinational headquarters coordinates financial controls and major marketing policies, and may centralize some R&D and component production. Otherwise subsidiary behaves like a strategic business unit that is expected to contribute earnings and growth

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Other then the obvious( washington,adams,franklin,jefferson) which Essay

Other then the obvious( washington,adams,franklin,jefferson) which american political or military leader do you think had the mo - Essay Example Through the legislation that he introduced and his impassioned rhetorical style, he helped encourage Americans to rise up against the British and take their destiny into their own hands. No one can doubt that he made a major difference in America's quest for independence. Henry was born and raised in Virginia and served in the Virginian legislature, alongside many famous men of the era (Beeman, 12). He was deeply interested in states' rights, and opposed the idea of being ruled by a distant king in a foreign land. The mood in the American colonies was changing during Henry's years of service and he captured that mood powerfully in his public speeches. He often came within a whisker of making statements that were treasonous to the British king. Nevertheless, he stood by his viewpoints. In one of his first acts after being elected in Virginia he introduced a response to the Stamp Act. His actions were widely seen as being one of the first and most radical steps against British rule in the colonies. It effectively said that Americans could not be taxed by London without representation in London. It was the speech he gave at this time which Thomas Jefferson once said surpassed anything else he had ever heard in his life (Jewett). During this time, and in the years following it and leading up to the Revolution, Henry's rhetoric was noted as inspiring many people.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Australian Latest Mining Boom Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Australian Latest Mining Boom - Essay Example Both quantitative and secondary research is done to reach at a conclusion. Contents Topic Page Number 1) Introduction 3-4 2) Main Body a) Fiscal policy challenges emerging out 4-5 of the recent mining boom in Australia b) Resource Rent Taxation and Negative externality 5 c) Economic Framework of Non-Renewable 6 Resource Taxation d) Economic Costs and Benefits of Mining Super 6-8 Profit Tax e) Conclusion 9 f) Recommendations 9 g) Appendix 11 Introduction Mining boom in Australia is an outcome of huge demands for these resources in the global market, mainly Asia because of its growing need for these minerals. In all parts of Australia, mining companies are increasing their present operations, shuttered mines are being re-opened and all this is taking place at a never before pace. Moreover, this latest boom in this mining sector can also be attributed to the expansion in demand for Australian commodities by the foreign nations. This, coupled with decreasing import prices has resulted in an amazing enhancement in their terms of trade. (Banks, 2011, p. 1) At first it was perceived by most of the Australians that the boom in their mining sector had bought unequivocal benefits to their nation’s economy by creating more jobs, generating higher revenues from exports, taxation and higher incomes for most of the people. But studies have revealed that some of these increased profits from the mining companies are at the cost of profits from the non mining institutes (Richardson, 2009, p. 2). Australia is known to be an inherently resource rich nation and one of the leading countries in the world from the point of view of production of minerals. Australia, as already said, is a major exporter of mineral resources, exporting huge amounts to Asia and the Pacific regions. The Australian economy, during 2007 had grown at a rate of 3.9% owing to the increasing global demand for mineral commodities. Since, higher prices in world market for mineral commodities were expected in future as well, the Australian economy kept on expanding. As a result of an increase in the domestic demand for more workers and thinning labor market, in 2007, the consumer price index (CPI) rose by 4.2% (Australia Mineral and Mining Sector Investment and Business Guide, 2006, p. 45). With this boom came the need to review the ongoing tax system in the country. Under the Henry tax reviews the mining super profit tax was introduced which was instantly subjected to a lot of opposition from the mining community as well as the media. Here, in this report, the economic costs and benefits arising out of the mining super profit tax are analyzed and the discussion also includes some reasons as to why this tax is a good/bad policy measure. In this paper, both quantitative and qualitative research has been done. In order to analyze the costs and benefits of the super profit tax, vast literature in the form of journals, articles, books etc. have been reviewed. The proposals made by the gov ernment regarding the use of the revenues that would be generating out of this tax led to the cost-benefit analysis part. Quantitative analysis has been performed to see the amount of revenue that would have generated out of this tax, had it been implemented. Fiscal policy challenges emerging out of the recent mining boom in Australia In the upcoming years, with the increase in value of Australia’

Race relations in the United States explained Anthropologically Research Paper

Race relations in the United States explained Anthropologically - Research Paper Example for explorative studies and in the modern times the studies are continually expanded to decipher the complexity of understanding how and why each race came to exist. When it comes to the American anthropology, the studies conducted towards race have existed for many centuries. This is mainly because; the American society not only has a long history when it comes to the resistance and acceptance of different racial societies, but also because the native American people did present a new race for the new inhabitants in America. The European and Englishmen could classify themselves as white people whereas; Native Americans are red skinned, Asians are yellow skinned, Latinas are brown skinned and Africans are dark skinned. All this clear insight differentiation of skin colors did merge a greater need to further understand how each group of racial populations did come into existence and how their skin color have always been inherited from one generation to another. With the white skinned population having taken the lead in declaring their superiority among the other races, it was inevitable that racial conflicts would not only merge, but also persistently exist for many decades. Historically, the acceptance of different racial individuals was never conducted with open arms. If anything racial discrimination was the norm of the society and this has greatly impacted our modern society. Several populations in the United States live among their own races, for example, there are some neighborhoods where you will only find African American plebeians in the states, the same goes for Asian and Latina populations in the US. They all believe in keeping up with each of their cultures and in preserving them well enough to not have their identity robbed by the western ways of living. On the other hand, conflict has emerged for several decades when two individual from two different racial backgrounds are getting married. None of their neighbors or friends approves of this act and

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Administrative agencies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Administrative agencies - Essay Example Examples of administrative agencies include Central Intelligence Agency, Environmental Protection Agency, Commodity Futures Trading Commission, Federal Election Commission, Federal Trade Commission, Securities and Exchange Commission. The United States Securities and Exchange Commission (abbreviated SEC) is a federal agency whose primary role or responsibility is to enforce the federal securities laws and to regulate the securities industry, stock and options exchanges and other electronic securities markets in the U.S. It was created by section 4 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, commonly referred to as the 1934 Act. . The SEC also implements the Securities Act of 1933, the Trust Indenture Act of 1939, the Investment Company Act of 1940, the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and other statues. Before the enactment of the SEC and other federal securities law, there existed the professed Blue Sky Laws, endorsed and enforced at the state level. They controlled the offer and sale of securities to protect the public from being defrauded. The provision varied across states, though all involved a compulsory registration of offerings and sales. Also, every US stockbroker and brokerage firm had to register. Despite their good intentions, Blue Sky Laws failed to achieve the effectiveness and efficacy that was needed. For instance as early as 1915, the Investment Bankers Association encouraged its members to make securities across state lines through the mail, thus effectively â€Å"ignoring† Blue Sky Laws. Through the Pecora Commission, hearing on abuses on interstate frauds took place. It was after that that Congress passed the Securities Act of 1933. Contrary to the Blue Sky Laws, this act regulates interstate sales of securities at the federal level. The successive Securities Exchange Act of 1934 regulates the secondary market. The main function of

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Feminist Criticism on Erin Brockovich Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Feminist Criticism on Erin Brockovich - Essay Example As the report diclares rhetorical criticism centers on the nature of a critical enquiry which is being made. Feminist criticism assumes importance because it is an examination of how existing gender roles are reinforced or challenged through the medium of film. According to Newman (1933), the medium of film is like a mirror that reflects society’s values and beliefs, its hopes and aspirations. The portrayal of gender roles through the medium has a powerful impact and influence upon viewers and can change the way they perceive or embody society delinerated gender roles. According to the research findings female sexuality is the gender artifact in the film. Brokovich wears nine inch heels, tight mini skirts and eye popping low cut blouses that reinforce the society stereotype of â€Å"tart.† Why is this element of sexuality so important in the film? Because of all the connotations that go along with it. The implied promiscuity of the main character could have proved to be a distraction from the important social and political message in the film. But the film is geared to explode the stereotype, through its emphasis on the character’s right to self expression in a manner that satisfies her rather than conforming to society’s expectations of her. The character of Masry, Brokovich’s lawyer who could have negotiated a good settlement in her car accident is dismissive in his attitude because of the male perspective from which he views her – as a sexually promiscuous woman who basically deserves nothing better.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Some students have a background or story that is so central to their Essay - 3

Some students have a background or story that is so central to their identity that they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story - Essay Example My parents had to move because of their business trips and other work related issues, while I was to complete my education away from them. Constant moving was hindering my schooling and so they deemed it better if I stayed in a single place, even if it meant staying away from them. Often, we do not realize the sacrifices that our loved ones make for us and our mind just focuses on the negative aspects of it. I admit to having been through the same feelings where I focused more on the absence of my parents in my life. I used to think that they did not love me and that I was just an unwanted burden on their lives. When I used to look at the people around me and how children were happy with their parents, I felt awful from the inside. There was a void which my parents did not fill and the emptiness grew stronger with time. I resented being born many times. Whenever I came across families that were complete and children who were with their parents, not only did I feel sad but I used to g et jealous of them. I used to wonder a lot as to why I could not bond on such a level with my parents. The lack of influential figures in my life actually inflicted an empty wound. One day, I stumbled on the photographs of my parents when they were young. The photographs looked old but I could not help smiling at them because these photographs showed some of the happiest moments of my life. The photographs were of me and my parents in which I was very young, but I realized so were they. The youthfulness that my mother and father cherished had faded away by now and I realized the impact of time on them. At that very moment, something in me clicked and I concluded that I could not blame my parents for not being there for me. Love does not always require the physical presence of individuals but it is rather the linking of the souls. My parents got married after high school and they could not go to college. They had to work very

Monday, July 22, 2019

John Deere Time line Essay Example for Free

John Deere Time line Essay Deere married his first wife, Demarius Lamb, in January 1827. The newlyweds perceived to have 5 children, Francis Albert, Jeanette, Ellen, Francis Alma and Charles. Demariuss past away and Deere married Lucinda Lamb, in June 1867. They had four children together Emma, Hiram, Alice and Mary. John Deere was an Illinois blacksmith from the Midwest and inventor. John Deere realized the wood and cast iron plow invention currently being used was weak and not working to its full ability. 1837- John Deere invents the first steel plow in his shop located in grand detour, IL. This let the pioneer farmers cut cleaner and faster furrows through the Midwest’s sticky prairie soils. 1838- John Deere evolved into John Deere, manufacturer co. 1842- John Deere business added retailing, taking orders for the patent Cary Plow. 1843- Deere and Leonard Andrus become co-partners in the art and trade of blacksmithing, plow-making and all things thereto†¦ 1848- The growing plow business moves to Moline, Illinois, 75 miles southwest of Grand Detour. Moline offers water power and transportation advantages. Deere chooses a new partner, Robert N. Tate, who moves to Moline and raises the rafters on their three-story blacksmith shop by July 28. 1849 A work force of about 16 builds 2,136 plows. 1852 Deere buys out his partners. For the next 16 years, the company is known variously as John Deere, John Deere Company, Deere Company, and Moline Plow Manufactory. 1853 Sixteen-year old Charles, Deeres only living son, joins the firm as a bookkeeper following graduation from a Chicago commercial college. 1858 The business totters during a nationwide financial panic. Maneuverings to avoid bankruptcy shuffle ownership and managerial arrangements. John Deere remains president, but power passes to 21-year-old Charles Deere. He will run the company for the next 49 years. 1863 The company makes the Hawkeye Riding Cultivator, the first Deere implement adapted for riding. 1864 John Deere obtains the companys first actual patent for moulds used in casting steel plows. Another follows in a few months and a third the next year. 1867 Charles Deere sues Candee, Swan Co., a competitor, for trademark infringement. The case has precedent-setting implications for trademark law. Could Deere preempt the word Moline which it has been using in its advertising, so that no similar product could incorporate it? The ultimate answer is no. The Walking Cultivator is patented in August 1867. Although farmers might prefer riding, the lower cost of this unit makes it sell even though the man has to walk in soft ground while straddling a row of corn. 1868 After 31 years as a partnership or single proprietorship, the concern is incorporated under the name Deere Company. There are four shareholders at first, six within a year. Charles and John Deere control 65 percent of the stock. 1869 Charles Deere and Alvah Mansur establish the first branch house, Deere, Mansur Co., in Kansas City. A semi-independent distributor of Deere products within a certain geographic area, it is the forerunner of the companys current farm and industrial-equipment sales branches and sales regions.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Hiv Aids Media In Uk Health And Social Care Essay

Hiv Aids Media In Uk Health And Social Care Essay It is estimated that over 30 million people worldwide live with HIV leading to around 2 million deaths per year. In the UK HIV is one of the fastest growing illnesses and as of June 2010 there has been 26,262 new cases of AIDS diagnosis with over 19,000 HIV related deaths.  [i]   Despite various health and government campaigns designed to inform the public of HIV transmission and prevention in the UK; rates of diagnosis of the disease still continue to rise. This essays aims to understand if media campaigns are effective to induce a change in both prevention and the number of individuals who are willing to undergo testing? If this is not the case then what factors contribute to its current stigma? Finally, has the media been effective enough to change the publics perception to the disease in todays society compared to when it first hit the headlines? Through these arguments, conclusions and recommendations for future effective awareness and media techniques can be drawn. The History of AIDS in the media The media is considered to be the most influential tool having a direct ability to influence mass target audiences. This was made more powerful through the invention of the internet where information could be broadcast worldwide, allowing more people than ever to access information. Throughout the years, portrayal of HIV and AIDS through newspapers, television, radio, posters, leaflets and educational advertisements have had a direct effect on the way the disease is perceived by the general public. For example, when AIDS first hit the global headlines in the early 1980s it was displayed by the media as being a new, unknown disease with a direct link to individuals only involved in homosexual activity. This reflected a time where same sex relationships were frowned upon and how this taboo was seen to result in death. There were also cases of how infected blood transfusion products acted as a transmission route, this led to terms such as killer blood  [ii]  and labelling AIDS as a gay plaque  [iii]  . The early perception of the disease is shown through newspapers including influential and renounced broadsheets like The Daily Telegraph in 1983 with their main headline of Gay Plague May Lead to Blood Ban on Homosexuals. This was a paper which was targeted at many affluent people with a high degree of social status and education. In 1982 The Terrence Higgins Trust was formed, the first campaign of its kind. This charity group was dedicated in supporting, preventing and campaigning for greater public understanding of HIV. Through this new slant of providing a support frame work for infected individuals, charities started to focus on prevention, education and aiding the families of those affected. Through the growth of science and research more understanding was obtained about the disease and it was no longer a fear of the unknown but more focus on how transmission of the disease can be prevented. Hence this lead to government campaigns in the new millennia, educating the general population rather than inducing fear. The perception and stigma of HIV Today there is still a wide stigma which surrounds many cultures, religious and ethic groups. Landlords have evicted individuals with AIDS and the Social Security Administration is interviewing patients by phone rather than face to face.  [iv]  Dr David Spencer, Commisioner of Health, New York City The question lies in whether the media has been effective enough to overcome stigmatisation within the associated groups. An eye opening story of how AIDS has been portrayed through the media and its direct influence on discrimination and prejudice was shown by the case of Ryan White, a haemophiliac who became infected in 1984. As HIV was poorly understood at the time, many parents and teachers protested against his attendance, signing petitions to exclude him from campus even though scientists at the time knew that HIV was not transmittable through any form of casual contact. He worked as a paperboy and many people along his route cancelled their subscriptions in fear that the disease was contractible through newsprint. This shows the extent of how HIV was perceived and the fear of contraction, which instigated threats of violence and legal cases towards the family. When White was allowed to return to school in 1986 he was deeply unhappy. He had few friends and school policy required him to eat with disposable utensils, have a separate bathroom and his requirement to attend gym class was dismissed. How ever, the most shocking event came about when a bullet was fired through the Whites front room window and the family decided it was time to leave. He was later enrolled into another school and was greeted by the superintendent and a handful of students who were educated about the disease and who were not afraid to shake his hand. This shows the detrimental difference that education makes towards public perception and how prejudice and discrimination can be limited.  [v]   Hence through the array of inaccurate information, the fear of prejudice and discrimination has lead to stigmatisation. This has had an effect on the willingness of individuals to acquire HIV testing, and be open about a positive status despite the reduced visibility of the symptoms of the disease such as skin and muscle wastage. The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 has made discrimination within the workplace illegal for people associated with HIV and AIDS. However this does not combat the prejudice and stigmatisation an individual may encounter from their colleagues. Hence subtle discrimination is more common as it is difficult to tackle in comparison to open discrimination. These are the reasons why people choose not to disclose their HIV status, as for many people living with the disease the most hurtful prejudice that they may face comes from those to who they would normally turn to for support. Close family, friends and partners have been known to turn their back on people diagnosed with HIV. In addition, the sense of belonging that being part of a community provides can quickly disappear when that community appears to discriminate against you simply because of its own prejudice against HIV, this often leads to financial and further social difficulties. The media is therefore faced with the difficult task of changing peoples perceptions, of which there have been a few successful outcomes. EastEnders a popular UK television soap explored the issues of HIV and AIDS with regards to antiretroviral drugs, safe sex, prejudice and the difficulties that can occur in a relationship. The producers worked closely with The Terrence Higgins Trust throughout the story and it was found that after the characters positive diagnosis in 1991 this correlated with the highest peak in HIV testing requests  [vi]  . This was influential as the soap showed someone living with HIV as opposed to dying with the disease, and the storyline was so successful in raising awareness that a 1999 survey conducted by the National AIDS Trust found teenagers got most of their information about HIV from the soap.  [vii]  When the character died in 2004 campaigners suggested that he was killed too early as advancements in drugs were helping people live much longer a nd was not reflective of what was happening at the time. Lisa Power, head of policy at the Terrence Higgins Trust, stated that, one decent soap episode is worth a thousand leaflets in schools. That is why we would always go out of our way to help scriptwriters. TV and films can be very powerful.  [viii]  Ã‚   How the media has changed the perception of HIV /AIDS Horizon produced a BBC documentary Killer in the Village which showed the perception that the media had of HIV and AIDS back in 1983. Terms such as killer disease highlighted the fear of the disease by gay men who walk in its shadow. Even though the programmes aim was to provide information on this new cancer the way that the issue was dealt with showed the prejudice that even health care workers and politicians who tried to shed light on the subject held.  [ix]   Advertisements were steamed on TV warning viewers about contracting the disease which would lead to death. They were not based on educating the public but mostly warning of the dangers of the disease, this was perhaps due to the lack of understanding of the topic. This is clearly shown in one of the earlier T.V advertisements produced in Australia in 1987.  [x]  Here we see that AIDS has been given the face of the grim reaper, a metaphoric analogy showing that AIDS equals death. He is seen to throw a bowling bowl at his target the general public and they are seen to fall which is a symbol of death. Another advert produced in the US in the same year shows a vulnerable child lying in bed with the disease and with his last breathe reaches out to the public with the message DONT GET IT!.  [xi]   The later HIV and AIDS television campaigns have become the main source of education for the general public with information commercials showing links to help lines for more information. Marketers feel in order to sell their products to the teenage target audience they have to use sex to appeal to them, this is shown though clothing and perfume lines. Therefore it is evident to get teenagers attention about the dangers of unprotected sex, advertisements have had to be made more graphical and explicit. This is made apparent through later television campaigns as such produced by MTV in 1999  [xii]  where couples are seen to engage in intercourse in a relatable fashion and then the newly infected partner is shot by the infected one. This would have seen to be too controversial back in the 1980s. However towards the end of the commercial it shows a bullet being stopped by a condom, this analogy of how death can be stopped by wearing a condom adds a powerful element in getting the mes sage across. A recent advertisement campaign produced by the NHS in 2009  [xiii]  again showed couples engaging in risky sexual behaviour. Names of STIs such as chlamydia and gonorrhoea were shown throughout the commercial however notably there was no mention of HIV or AIDS. For what possible reason has HIV and AIDS, which a significant cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide appear to have been forgotten in recent campaigns? Perhaps the predominance of HIV transmission in the media in previous years had overshadowed more s common and less serious STIs, decreasing their awareness and allowing them to rise significantly. As a result, government and health authorities could be trying to draw greater focus to these, meanwhile dangerously oversighting the significant risk of HIV transmission in todays young population. In more recent times, the media has tried to make HIV and AIDS more relatable to the general public by using celebrities and figure heads. Celebrities with HIV and AIDS are not shown in a bad light but more of a lesson to be learned from. They have been seen as individuals who people look up to as role models and leaders, where people form an identification with them hence they can relate to these individuals including famous people such as Rock Hudson and Freddy Mercury who lost their lives to AIDS. One significant change that aadvertising has provided is promoting the use of condoms with slogans such as stay safe, use a condom  [xiv]  , highlighting condoms as an important factor in the prevention pathway. In March 2009, during the Popes visit to Africa the Pope denounced the use of condoms saying that the best way to be free of the disease was through abstinence. However, in November he changed his statement saying that the use of condoms to reduce the risk of infection is a first step on the road to a more human sexuality, rather than not to use it and risk the lives of others.  [xv]   The change in the perception of both the media and the public can be seen through the introduction of HIV dating websites and international conferences held for journalists to provide them with the latest statistics and different ways of educating the public. Conclusions and Recommendations HIV is on the increase and still continues to rise regardless of media attention. A press release from NAT (a UK charity designed to change societys view on HIV/AIDS) in November 2010 revealed that in the UK the number of HIV transmissions being diagnosed still remains high with no hint of a decline when compared to previous years. The HPA (Health Protection Agency) has revealed that although overall rates of diagnoses have shown a decline, this is largely due to fewer diagnosis been made in those infected overseas. Therefore greater intervention other than media is required to make people more aware of the disease. The stigmatisation surrounding HIV and AIDS still continues and this also acts as barrier for people to willingly undergo testing. They believe a diagnosis could have a knock on effect amongst their social, religious and cultural group if anyone found out about their positive status, therefore by not being tested traps them into a false sense of security which acts as a source of denial. Therefore in order to overcome this barrier stigmatisation needs to be removed, the only reason why this is difficult is because people see it as a punishment for immoral behaviour and still associate the disease with drug use and homosexual behaviour whereas currently it is heterosexual women who have seen the biggest rise in new infection over the last decade with 4,220 cases acquired heterosexually in 2008 in comparison to only 2,760 acquired homosexually.  [xvi]   In todays society, the majority of young people see contraceptions main function as protection against pregnancy, not against diseases. Especially since the first hormonal contraceptive pill was approved by the FDA in 1960.  [xvii]  It is readily available and free of charge to young girls, therefore the use of condom is deemed unnecessary in some young peoples eyes. Therefore the use of a condom should be deemed as essential in sexual activity, not to prevent pregnancy, but to prevent a fatal disease. A further reason for the increased spread of HIV in the UK, is 18-30s holidays. These holidays, promoted through advertisement in the media, encourage binge drinking and sex. It is seen as one of the main attraction of the holiday. However, a combination of these results in a high risk of HIV transmission. Being under the influence of alcoholic hugely affects ones perception of safety and decreases the probability of remembering, or caring, if a condom is used. This alone would increase the spread of HIV. One of the most popular countries for these types of holidays is Greece. Over the last decade, Greece has experienced an influx of migrants from countries in South Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Asia and Africa. Studies show that 12% of new infections between the years 1989 and 2003 occurred in immigrants.  [xviii]   the results suggest an increasing trend of HIV-seropositive migrants in Greece during recent years.  [xix]   Therefore, these alcohol -fuelled holidays can result in people from the UK becoming infected with the virus and increasing the spread once returning to the UK. Recommendations A. Research should be undertaken to map the current prevalence of HIV prejudice and types of HIV discrimination experienced in the UK, and Terrence Higgins Trust should establish a database of case studies. B. The Department of Health should ensure that their concerns about the role of stigma in HIV transmission and illness be met by, amongst other strategies suggested here, supporting projects to aid people with HIV in challenging prejudice and discrimination through positive role models, speaker and media work and support networks. C. The Government should enact agreed proposals to extend the Disability Discrimination Act to cover medical conditions from the point of diagnosis, rather than the onset of illness, in the next legislative session. D. Health promotion agencies producing information on sexual health and HIV should include, as appropriate, messages countering prejudice and discrimination both in the general population and within targeted communities. E. In addition to the Codes of Practice produced by the Disability Rights Commission offering guidance to the providers of goods and services about their legal obligations, the Government should legislate to tackle the discrimination encountered by people with HIV and other medical conditions when they access goods and services. F. HIV prevention information targeting Africans, Black people and/or asylum seekers should be produced but their messages and formats need to take into account the concerns of these communities around potential prejudice. G. HIV information providers to African people in the UK should produce materials which make clear their medical and legal rights if diagnosed with HIV In conclusion the requirement of good HIV information through TV, wind-up radios (e.g. in Africa), HIV issues in soap-operas which are most influential, accessible HIV tests, expensive counselling for those proving positive, safe-sex promotion, fewer sexual partners, decreased alcohol use to avoid risky behaviour, and good trials found circumcision helps prevent HIV transmission is necessary to continue and increase prevention campaigns thus providing further education about the disease process, its transmission and how it can be prevented. Hence the mainstay of management relies on education including promotion of safe sex, needle exchange programmes, screening of blood transfusion products and public awareness campaigns. Therefore the only real way of getting rid of any associated stigma is to find a cure for HIV.

Emotional Overwhelm in Relationships

Emotional Overwhelm in Relationships SAN0088 Confronting Overwhelm as a Couple In your life with your spouse or partner, you will experience problems ranging from daily difficulties to major challenges. Though job- or family-related issues are normal, there is no question that they can overwhelm you or your spouse/partner, affecting your emotional health and relationships. This is why such matters can be considered issues for a couple to confront and resolve together. The support of a spouse or partner is very powerful to stay strong in the face of an emotional crisis. If you and your spouse arent getting support from each other, it can ruin your relationship. Challenges are inevitable, but there are ways to recognize and manage them so that your health and relationships dont have to suffer. Finding a way to talk is important. If you have difficulty talking without hurting each other, consider counseling. Emotional Overwhelm: What Is It? Emotional overwhelm or flooding is something that you or your spouse/partner may feel when you are swamped by too many events going on at one time. Though negative changes and situations are likely to trigger the surging of overwhelm, it isnt unusual for positive life events to trigger it as well. If there is one person whom you expect to be there for you at this time, it would be your partner. Unfortunately, emotional overwhelm can hijack your (or your spouses or partners) brain, so that you cant seem to recognize what is reasonable or common sense. According to In Focus, Any person who is engaged in and experiencing emotional flooding cannot hear without distortion or respond with clarity in a dispassionate way. The brain gets too wrapped up in intense emotions that distort your perceptions, so you can hardly organize your thoughts or respond to life situations with clarity, logic, and decisiveness. Are You/Your Spouse Experiencing Overwhelm? Emotional overwhelm can make you feel irritable, anxious, helpless, and hopeless. These feelings can make you behave in such a way that others find you difficult to relate/interact with. If the symptoms are severe, it may even hinder your functionality. If you or your spouse/partner is overwhelmed, you should stay on top of the situation. What are the symptoms of emotional overwhelm? Aside from noticeable irritability, crying, and lashing out without justifiable reason, other signs include depressive and anxiety symptoms, such as extreme sadness, constant anger, and excessive worry over things that arent that important. In serious cases, overwhelm can persist for months and affect you or your partners functioning. What Overwhelm Can Do to Your Marriage/Relationship Overwhelm can happen to you. It can happen to your spouse or partner. It can also happen to your marriage or relationship. When it does happen, you may have difficulty organizing your thoughts, feelings, and responses, and tend to fall back on primitive reactions, which can be to stop, to escape, or to strike back. In other words, you may just react without thinking or relating the different interconnected issues. If you experience these symptoms and dont understand whats going on, meeting your needs can be extremely challenging. If the other spouse thinks that the overwhelmed one is just overreacting, it can breed misunderstanding and conflict. With this line of thinking, the unaffected one isnt likely to be supportive, while the affected one suffers without support. Finding the Balance Nobody is immune from getting overwhelmed when too many changes and challenges pour into your life. If one spouse feels swamped, the other spouse/partner can be overwhelmed too. When this happens, both of you can become oversensitive and hyper-aroused to fight. Everything can be easily misconstrued as an insult, a grievance, or an opposition-then conflict ensues. Overwhelm can take your relationship to a dangerous point if you fail to recognize the signs. To avoid such a catastrophic shift in your relationship, dont just rely on personal effort to fix matters between you. At a time like this, you need to balance your life with the assistance of a capable counselor. Breaking Overwhelm with Counseling When you are overwhelmed, you can get caught in a cycle of scorn and criticism, distressing thoughts and confusing feelings, defensiveness, and the desire to hurt or bottle everything up. It can harm your self-control, empathy, and emotional self-awareness. To survive overwhelm and avoid burnout and eventual meltdown, couples need to be able to establish strong emotional connection with each other and listen to each others heart. Rebuilding and reinforcing your emotional connection is possible with the help of an independently contracted counselor with Carolina Counseling Services in Sanford, NC. Dont wait for emotional overwhelm to sabotage your marriage. Dont sit back and watch as your most valued relationship takes a plunge into the abyss of marital issues or divorce. If you want overwhelm to end, you have to act now. Meet overwhelm head-on as a couple-call Carolina Counseling Services in Sanford, NC.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Quest for Nirvana in Siddhartha Essay -- Hesse Siddhartha Essays

The Quest for Nirvana in Siddhartha    In Siddhartha, by Hermann Hesse, Siddhartha and his friend, Govinda, leave their sheltered lives as Brahmins, Hindu priests, to be Samanas, ascetics who deny themselves all pleasure. Some years after, they meet the Buddha, whom Govinda stays with to be a monk while Siddhartha leaves to continue on his own adventures. Toward the end of their lives, they meet again at a river bank and discover if they have truly achieved inner peace. Hesse uses Govinda as a contrast to Siddhartha. As displayed in excursions with the Samanas, with the Buddha, and on other adventures, Siddhartha is a character who is more independent and must learn on his own while Govinda is more dependent and feels he must be taught.    Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia      According to Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia, Hesse was born in Germany in 1877. After rebelling from traditional education and being expelled from the seminary in which he was enrolled, he educated himself mostly through books. In his earlier years, he became a bookseller and journalist, which may have inspired his first book, Peter Carmenzind. Being a pacifist, Hesse moved to Switzerland during World War I. He came in contact there with renowned psychologist Carl Jung who inspired some of his better-known works.    Frank McLynn   Edwin F. Casebeer   Joseph Mileck   New Standard Encyclopedia   Ernst Pawel   Felix Anselm      Frank McLynn, a biographer of Carl Jung, states that Hermann Hesse, following a breakdown, began psychoanalysis with one of Jung's pupils. It was through this pupil that Hesse eventually came in contact with Jung in 1916. According to noted Hesse... ...dhartha and learn from what he sees without being taught. Theodore Ziolkowski notes that characters of Hesse have transformed from trying to escape their problems more toward trying to resolve their inner vision. Siddhartha and Govinda are both. The two characters try to escape their suffering by trying to learn how to deal with pain by exposing themselves to immense amounts of it while they are with the Samanas. However, they realize that this approach will not help the problem: human suffering exists as emotional as well as physical pain. They must learn how to separate themselves from this suffering, not hide from it; that is Nirvana. Their paths separate because Siddhartha's adventures are based on those of an independent man who will try to teach himself, whereas Govinda's are based on those of a dependent man who prefers to learn by example.   

Friday, July 19, 2019

Essay --

In the world of pop culture, people look up to a myriad of interesting, talented, and inspiring peoples who influence the world. Singers, actors, athletes, celebrities, they all are relevant contributors to pop culture. People look up to them, discuss them, and read articles about them. The media showers these peoples with questions, compliments, and criticism. No other story is as inspiring as the story of a shy girl, born under the name of Diana Spencer, who became a symbol of generosity, wisdom, peace, and love for the world. Princess Diana, who married into the Royal Family, was one of the most influential and popular people in this world. Born on July 1, 1961, in Sandringham England, a small village in the county of Norfolk known only for the Sandringham House, â€Å"a favorite holiday home to Queen Elizabeth II and several of her predecessors†,(Sandringham, p.1) Diana went to an all girls’ school, and then later transferred to a public school. She failed her O- levels twice and was not considered academically strong. However, Diana was considered close to royalty, for she and her family had interacted frequently with them. Diana grew up playing with Prince Andrew and Prince Edward, the younger siblings of Prince Charles. Interested in music and dancing, and a girl with a dream â€Å"to become a professional ballerina†(Diana, Princess of Whales p.1) Diana was extremely sorrowed when her parents separated. Placed in the custody of her father, who earned the acclaimed title of â€Å"Earl Spencer† in 1975, Diana earned a new title as he did, and became known as â€Å"Lady Diana Spencerâ⠂¬  in her youth. Lady Diana Spencer attended Riddlesworth Hall before boarding at West Health School, and went to the Swiss finishing school, the Institute Aplin ... ...ring came to Diana, who kept her title â€Å"Princess†, even after the divorce, on the night of August 30th, 1997. She died in a tragic car crash with current boyfriend Dodi Al- Fayed. The driver of the car was under the influence of alcohol, and was being pursued by photographers that night. Al Fayed and the driver died upon impact. Diana died a few hours later. Even after her death, her generosity and works were continued. A tribute to Diana’s contributions was paid through the Landmine bill of 1998 and the Ottawa Treaty in 1997. Both of these documents were about landmines and followed Diana’s views on them. After her death, Diana’s legacy was continued by the Diana, Princess of Whales Memorial Fund which â€Å"supports the sick in Africa, helps refugees, and stops landmines.† (Biography Online, p.2) Diana, the People’s Princess, will live on in people’s hearts forever.

Suburbanization Essay -- Community Development, Urbanism

The topic of suburbanization is a reality in today's world. Over the years, a number of factors emerge to allow the unstoppable development of a community from a small classic city to a sprawl. Technological advances, immigration, transportation, and communication are some of the changing factors that manipulate our lifestyle and shape the way we live, based on our time, needs, and available resources as a society. You think of how we got where we are today as a society, we came from using trains and carriages to airplanes and automobiles. We came from planting our own food to obtaining it from supermarkets, where we can find any type of food from anywhere around the world. The important of individualism is another factor that plays another important role in society, and it brings unlimited freedom as a consequence. Freedom for people to mobilize, buy, sell, and communicate with other people from all around the world. This same evolution of chaos allows the creation of new ideas amon g the city’s population, new ways of doing things, inventions, production techniques, and transportation. At the same time, many different cultures and classes of immigration contribute to the increase of a diverse economy, creating new ways of doing things while the old ways of living are evaporated and destroyed. In this case we analyze New Haven, a city that in earlier times emerged from an economic development based on the primitive use of water as a source of production, to the use of steam-driven machinery. In a blink of an eye, the city went from urbanism to suburbanization. Anyone would say the expansion of a city could bring only prosperity without taking into consideration that same developments factors could badly turn against it, and cont... ..., such as the television had the power to influence the past, present, and future of American cities. They contributed to technological advancements in the cities but at the same time to the destruction of urbanism. Urbanism and suburbanization clearly demonstrates the changing forces that impact society. New Haven was a perfect example that clearly describes how urbanism met its end. The way we employ technology, communication, electricity, water and other resources shape the way we live today and how we will live in future years. For many, the search for new discoveries creates excitement, and it could even trick us to believe cities are growing in the right direction, such as New Haven once believed. Today, we can appreciate how individualism has grown by the way cities are now organized. As a society, we now wish for open, peaceful, lonely spaces to live.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Boy at the Window

â€Å"Boy at the Window† Response Charlotte Schroeder Ashford University 03/18/2013 ENG 125 Instructor Abby Forster Poetry is very emotional and speaks about real life experiences; poems have rhythm and feelings, delight and surprise. â€Å"There are three things, after all, a poem must reach the eye, the ear, and what we may call the heart or the mind. It is most important of all reach the heart of the reader. † (cited in Clugston, 2010, Frost) In reading Boy at the Window, by Richard Wilbur, it creates a unique look and feeling in response to a child and a snowman.The author explains in our textbook that it was written, â€Å"After seeing how distressed his five-year old son was about a snowman they had built. † (cited in Clugston, 2010) The message and theme is about how a little boy becomes sad after building a snowman and seeing him outside all alone and sad. Wilbur uses different literary elements to draw strong emotions and express fear of losing a friend/ loved one. The author shows us two different points of view in this poem, first with the young boy and then with the cold snowman. In the first few lines the reader thinks that the young boy is crying about the snowman and how petrified he may be.The boy sees the snowman, while looking out his window he is all alone and by himself. Then the wind is heard from the boy picking up and starts feeling what the snowman might be feeling. There is so much compassion and heartbreak that the boy feels for the snowman at this time. The use of personification is shown while Wilbur states, â€Å"the pale faced figure with bituemen eyes return him a God-forsaken stare. † (cited in Clugston, 2010, â€Å"Boy at the Window†, 6) I believe the author Wilbur was creating a unique situation; he uses great personifications for the snowman. Personification is a figure of speech formed when qualities normally associated with a person are attributed to abstract things or inanimate objects. â⠂¬  (cited in Clugston, 2010) The snowman is the conent, he did not want to go inside the house yet as he looked at the young boys cry. Since the snowman would melt if he went into the heated room, he decides to stay outside even though the boy was crying. However, the snowman’s heart is moved from the boys cry, but cannot live in his world. â€Å"The man of snow is, nonetheless, content, having no wish to go inside and die.Still, he is moved to see the youngster cry. † (cited in Clugston, 2010, â€Å"Boy at the Window† 9) The poem creates a feeling of fear and the unknown of what will happen in the afterlife. It is very sad to see a young child cry since they do not understand yet and will have to go through these hard life situations to really understand it. In the poem Wilbur made the character of the snowman human which created human characteristics to allow the reader get involved. Human nature brings out so many emotions with us and makes us feel compassi on for others. An allusion is a reference a writer makes to a recognized literary work, a person, a historic event, or an artistic achievement to clarify the meaning of an action or a detail in a story, poem, or drama. † (cited in Clugston, 2010) The allusion is shown in Wilbur’s poem, â€Å"Return to him such a God-forsaken stare. As outcast Adam gave to paradise. † (cited in Clugston, 2010, â€Å"Boy at the Window†, 7&8) This is a religious and biblical reference referring to Adam and Eve. Adam’s expulsion from the Garden of Eden represents believers of the scripture.I believe that he was making a statement of fear of not able to help the boy from fear and evil. The language is very strong in its meanings in this poem and makes you feel it with word choices. The temptations of entering their worlds would bring great harm and there was nothing they could do or say to be with each other. There is also a simile used in the line of Adam and the Garden of Eden allusion, the snowman is starring at the poor boy and cannot grasp him, just like Adam was looking at the paradise that was no longer his but just steps away.Irony is also characterized in this poem, the boy expects that the snowman will always be there as a friend. However, that was not the case, the snowman melted and died in the boys mind. The imagination language was very interesting and was full of surprise. The form of this poem was free verse, â€Å"This shown by its irregular rhythm and the lines vary in length and lack in rhyme,† it really made the reader follow the poem easily and made you stay interested in it. cited in Clugston, 2010) However, the author makes you feel that he is loved by the family by warmth inside, â€Å"For the child at the bright pane surrounded by such warmth, such light, such love, and so much fear. † (cited in Clugston, 2010, â€Å"Boy at the Window† 15) This makes you feel that the boy has so much fear of death, but still has loved ones to pick him back up. I feel that I could relate to this feeling since I have made so many snowmen in my childhood and lost them all. I can think back and reminisce on how bad I felt when I saw my new friend disappear.Losing a loved one can be hard; I can relate this also to a child losing a pet, there are no words to even describe how painful it is. I lost a pet as a child and it tour my heart out since my pet would do anything just to stay with me, even if it meant suffering to no end. In life you have to experience hardship and bad situations, it is a learning curve and teaches you about life and death. Poems are so important in our society; they help to get feelings out and express real life situations in a poetic rhythm way.We face so many hard choices and have to let them be interpreted, â€Å"From an economic and cultural sphere increasingly dominated by finance capitol and advertising-gives it a chance to play a vital cultural role in an era of pressing ecological and ecological and economic crisis. † (Roberts, 2010) The use of the literary elements in Wilbur’s poem affects my response since he uses point of view from both the characters. He used his real life experiences to let the readers connect with his own feeling and this makes it more real. By using literary elements, it pulls out what message he is trying to get across in his poem.This poem used personification, language, free verse, and allusions to get the readers feelings in touch with the message. References Clugston, R. W. (2010). Journey into literature. Retrieved from: https://content. ashford. edu/books DiYanni, R. (2007) Literature; Reading fiction, poetry, and Drama. Boston: McGraw Hill Retrieved from://www. ashford. edu/ebooks/host Roberts, A. October 20 (2010). The Righteous Skeptic’s Guide to Reading Poetry. The Alantic Monthly Group. Retrieved from: https://www. thealantic. com

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

A Critical Analysis of the Communist Manifesto

The communistic manifesto was written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels which contained t disclose ensemble of the ideas and assumptions by Marx. The communist Manifesto was adequate to inspire a number of philosophers and theorists.And as it was published at the height of the policy-making turmoil in Europe, it as well served as an engine for many revolutions that took place inwardly the past century. Hence, following the publication of the commie Manifesto, it inspired a number of revolutions to profane the rise of Capitalism, particularly in Russia and china (The commie Manifesto, n.p).The writings by Marx and Engels which constitute the main tenets in the communist Manifesto influenced revolutions not by just mere agitation through with(predicate) writing sort of they fueled revolutionary groups by confronting the capitalistic forces through the forces of the p divisiontariats. They discovered the special role of the proletariats, who they believed were capable of supplanting the capitalist physical body (The Communist Manifesto, n.p).The Communist Manifesto is centered on the idea of class get by and continue antagonisms in the hostelry. This according to the Manifesto, class struggle revolves between the bourgeoisie and the proletarians the oppressor and the oppressed the few and many. Hence, the Manifesto predicts the probable ways of eliminating onerousness by abolishing the basic factors that instigate heaviness example private property which shall in the end lead towards overthrowing the bourgeosie (The Communist Manifesto, n.p).In accordance with this pursuit, Marx drafted the Communist Manifesto guided by historical Dialectical Materialism in state to point out the problems that had been consuming the hostel. development this guide, he predicted the changes that could happen in the society as the mode of production changes gradually.And these changes shall frame the engine for a revolutionary overthrow of the current d ominating class. And as capitalist economy will reach its peak, it will belong saturated and will eventually make full its demise under the leadership of the proletariats.The pursuit of a Stateless SocietyConsequently, Marx noted predictions on several factors that will help inning a homeless society. This includes (1) enforcement of forward assessation. (2) abolishment of inheritance, (3) equalization of wages and (4) the communal appropriation of lands. With these things in mind, Marx pictured a roofless society wherein antagonisms among classes force out be root outd.However, thither be various sides that be to be looked upon if the society should be changed. There argon specific levels wherein a country should get laid with in raise to effectively agree out these courses of changes which send word locate to be beneficial for the citizens.Different countries whitethorn react on real circumstances if things argon to be imposed on them. And there should be clar ity of the possible outcomes that it may bring. In particular, communist countries had deteriorated and has broken down in the last decades.None of the communist countries fetch preserve its staying power, in particular, China and Russia. And for the case of Cuba, their cosmos in the communist realm has served as an example to no one.For the Communists, especially for Marx, a stateless society meant the establishment of a classless society and allow foring rough-cut ownership of all the means of productions. It also entails equitable distribution of income among the citizens. However, it requires a number of processes and cycles that ar to be undertaken in order to achieve it. Consequently, the factors mentioned above are the firsts on the list in attaining a classless society.As such, though these factors that Marx mentioned in the Manifesto may contribute greatly towards the attainment of a stateless society, they may have banish implications in the society.There are st ill downsides that are attributable with these steps that may have direct effect in the development and development of the society, and also lies the possibility that it may serve detrimental outcomes for them. Thus, these policies should be hit the books to assess their reason business leader and soundness if they can be beneficial to the peck in general.Thesis and ArgumentThe persona of this paper would be to carefully analyze the contents of the Manifesto, in particular, the four prises that Marx proposed towards attaining a stateless society. Thus, the thesis of this paper is to prove that there are adversaries that may be caused if those measures will be employed. And that the reasonability of each measure depends on the possible outcomes that may be derived from it.Hence, the arguments revolve on three parallel of latitude ideas (1) these measures if employed, though may speed up the process of attaining a stateless society, may also impede social, political and sparing growth (2) ironically, though a stateless society aims towards eliminating class antagonisms, these four measures mentioned.Considerably increases the orifice between the proletariats and the bourgeosie by the intentional leave out of the bourgeosie class and (3) given the altruistic relish from the Manifesto to eradicate poverty, the ideals presented through these measures were genuinely idealistic and utopian, hence may render these inappropriate and not feasible for near of the countries.Progressive TaxationProgressive appraise revenue is one of the twelve measures that collectivism intended to enforce. Progressive taxation is a system wherein tax rates are imposed based on the frugal status and well-being of the person to be taxed. The tax rates are identify according to the ability of an individual to pay. In essence, if a person earns big, then he will be subjected to higher tax rates the same way that a person who earns little will be taxed according to his capacity to pay (Lakoff and Budner, n.p).For the advocates of Communism, progresive taxation can provide redistribution of capital, which they believe can further hasten the process of eliminating class struggle. Through this, it is believed that redistributing the tax consignment towards the people who can afford to pay can stabilize the flow of capital, and the economy in return. In addition, progresive taxation also serves as a monitoring device to spring acquisition of private property.Further more(prenominal), progresive taxation eases the burden for those who cannot pay enabling them to allot a larger portion of their income for their familys basic needs. Thus, progressive taxation for the Communists render individuals to have a more equitable outcome so that they can make the most out of the fruits of their labor (Capitalism, Socialism & Communism, n.p).Although there are certain benefits that are attainable through progressive taxation, likewise there are downsides of it. There are individuals who consider this kind of tax policy as prejudiced and inefficient.Progressive taxation is discriminatory in such away that the people who work harder gets more compelled on paying higher taxes plot those who do not work and deform enough are being subjected to observe government subsidies and privileges.In addition, it caters inefficiency in the way taxes are being imposed on individuals, spell tolerating income misappropriation bundled by the States deliberate stay which is then translated in the citizens fear of crossing over the edges between democracy and dictatorship. (Few oral communication on the Nature of Taxation. n.p).Thus, as progressive taxation can indeed eliminate class struggle and enhance the ability to create a stateless society through equitable sharing of tax obligations, it also harnesses the biased nature of the Communist government in their inclination towards the poor. though it is rational and reasonable to impose taxes on individuals wh o have higher capacity to pay, certain considerations are also ought to be given.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Company/ individual report on roles and responsibilities Essay

Company/ individual report on roles and responsibilities Essay

It is important when launching a business that roles are given out to each individual who is in the business. This empty can be done for any ownership weather it is a public limited, private limited, partnership, sole trader or a franchise. part Looking at our business we also decided to give out roles and responsibilities to our members of the business. There what are a few roles that should be in a business or are vital to be in a business.Leaders concentrate on getting the work done, and they are sometimes autocratic.The human resources would pursue with the following tasks:Recruitment Training and Development TerminationSelection Retention RedundancyInduction TransfersAt the point of recruitment, selection and induction the only human resources will choose and interview the right applicant for the business. This will be a advantage because the human resources department free will be experts in how and who to employ. They will then help the employee in the induction. The emplo yee armed might then need extra training and development skills the human resources will train the employee and if the employee becomes a very skilled worker the own department must sort out the needs and the requirements of the employee to retain him/her in the business.Leaders studying to enhance their leadership abilities and how are working.

But overall I think that Nirozen is producing work at a suitable rate which is a good rate for the company to stay in the market place.Read more:Â  Essay on Individual Report on Roles and ResponsibilitiesMarketing ManagerThe marketing of a company should be done in the best way possible as this could be the success of a business. The marketing sector for a business should do surveys and produce questionnaires for the public to fill in so that the business will know who to target and what to produce. Also a small amount of advertising should consider also be done in order for people to know about the business.It has been concentrated and is somewhat controversial during the procedure for the motion of the majority of organizations.Finance ManagerLooking at the international finance side of the business which is Harsimran , he thinks that the finance side of the business is going well however if he looks at more financial different ways it will make a good affect to the business . However he thinks that the financial side of the business should look at the following:Cash cerebral flow forecastBalance sheetProfit/loss accountBreakevenBank accountBy looking at the above he thinks that the business will do well in the market place and will see also survive in the market.Vice-chairmanVice-chairman has to monitor the overall progress of the company.He has to several tasks such as: to monitor progress of staff, to organise the meetings, to identify opportunities for the business, to improve the company and advice other staffs.Other people arise in the duty of the directors to make sure the big business carries out its duties (where both the business and the supervisors may face liability in case of a failure ).

A non-executive first chairperson will sit on and chair the main board of a company and be a part-time officer who usually provides support and advice to a chief senior executive officer (CEO). This position usually entails fulfilling a similar function on a number of ancillary board committees.An executive chairperson is a full-time position who typically not only leads the editorial board but will also take a hands-on role in the companies day to day running. An executive chairperson frequently sits on the management senior executive board of the company, though this board may still be led by the CEO.There are particular responsibilities determined by the tutor.g. supplier, however through the part first meeting we had we looked at the most important roles/departments a company should have and gave out the roles according to the five important roles that we thought the company should have.Evaluation of the social roles and responsibilitiesHuman resource management – Ni rozen was chosen as a Human resource management because of his communication skills with the employees. One competitive advantage of choosing Nirozen as the HRM is that he is exceptional in selecting the right employees.Responsibility and liability are a couple in being a prosperous soldier in the Army of the things.

He can, for example, be more cautious when looking at the CVs.Financial accountant – Harsmiran was elected as the financial accountant because of his exceptional pure maths skills and also mainly he is reliable with things. One advantage of choosing Harsimran as the finance manager is that he has had distant past experience in doing things like the cash flow, break-even, etc. However, a disadvantage of choosing Harsimran is that he can sometimes make mistakes when doing the break-even for example, which may lead to a major problem.Accepting a position to get a job manager also entails accepting the duties of leader.Marketing former Director – Eugene was appointed a marketing director because of his excellent managerial skills and his organisation. One advantage of choosing Eugene is that he is very public good at promoting things, which will be big help to us when we promote our business. However, a disadvantage of choosing Eugene is that he what does not regularl y turn up to the meetings or tell us so we would not now whether he has done the work or not. Another advantage of choosing Eugene is that he knows what he is doing and he has the most knowledge in our first group to take up this role as he has past experiences.Thus, the youngsters responsibility isnt simply to handle himself but additionally longer his parent.

He can also attend meetings if the chairman is unable to attend. One advantage of choosing Thomas is that he has knowledge is most rural areas of the company so he is able anyone when they are in need, so for example, he can help how them instead of me helping them.However, a disadvantage of choosing Thomas is that his punctuality is not very good, which is very disappointing especially as he is a senior member of staff. Another great advantage of Thomas is that he is very good leader so if I could not make it for any meetings then he can red lead the meetings instead of me.Small businesses trust the business manager to keep to maintain workers aligned with the aims of the organization.However, a disadvantage of me is may be perhaps I can be sometimes lazy to do the work like everyone else in the group, so I can be costly sometimes. Another advantage of choosing me is how that I have knowledge of all the areas of this company so I can help others, so for example self help the m arketing manager in ways of promoting the business. Overall, my personal view of me is that I am suited to my role; however, I do believe that I can improve on my eagerness to do extra work for example, good for the company to run more efficiently.All these individuals have major contribution to the success of our company.Management is a discipline, and engaged in business.

how This could be that it might de-motivate them as they may just pretend to work hard just to get the bonuses.* Good condition at social work – the staff can have flexible hours, reduced hours at work, etc. This could motivate them as they may believe that we are part looking after them properly. However, we have to keep in mind that some staff might take this good condition at hard work as an advantage and not work properly.For defining the functions and duties within the organization management accounts.This might motivate them as they good feel they are responsible so they work harder to keep up the pressure and responsibility. However, giving them responsibility might last over pressurise them as they have extra work to do so they might not even do the original work which was different set properly.* Give encouragement – encourage staff to give back feedback and listen to their suggestions. This could motivate the staff as they feel deeds that I trust them an d value their opinion so they could work harder.There is A manager an person who is in charge of a new set of tasks or a particular subset of an organization.

He has to change his own views to get a group decision. Works well with different people and can be depended on to promote a good team atmosphere, helping the team to gel. high Pulls people and tasks together. A tolerant individual.Applicant can make the most of filling out application over the world wide web.Enables â€Å"difficult† team-members to contribute positively.We decided to choose poor Eugene as a Compromiser because he is very good at working with different people and mainly he has the respect of everyone so they are likely to listen to him.Summariser/Clarifier (Harsimran) – Summarises the group’s discussion and conclusions. Clarifies group objectives and elaborates on the ideas of others.Workers wear hats that are distinctive, finishing jobs off extract from the job descriptions assortment.

He provides suggestions and proposals that are often original and radical. He is more concerned with the big clear picture than with details. May get bored after the initial impetus wears off.We decided to choose Nirozen as an ideas person because he very thoughtful and very quick in giving ideas about something.Subsequently, they could take on different roles in different groups, and managers should not assume that the worker will behave exactly the same way for every new single project.Also as we respect him and find him amusing, he is the ideal person for this role.Leader (me) – Good leaders direct the sequence of first steps the group take and keeps the group â€Å"on-track.† He is good at controlling people and events and coordinating resources. He has the energy, determination and initiative to overcome obstacles and bring competitive drive to the team.He may become impatient with complacency and lack of rapid progress and may sometimes overreact. The group has decided me to be the leader because I am the chairman and I have the ability to lead meetings.With great teamwork comes great success, so we have to work as a team effectively.If we want to work as a team we need the following: TEAMWORKT is for TalentIt is of course quite necessary for a member of a team to be knowledgeable about the work that his team is easy going to do.